April 2005

On Being Disliked

The new not-so-unwelcome anti-Americanism by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Last year the hysteria about the hostility toward the United States reached a fevered pitch. Everyone from Jimmy Carter to our Hollywood elite lamented that America had lost its old popularity. Share This

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Look and Listen: Talk of U.S. Decline is Premature

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services For more than a century, European intellectuals have predicted the decline of the United States. The German philosophers Hegel, Nietzsche and Spengler saw Western democracy and capitalism as pernicious — the unfortunate wages of a classical civilization that had lavished upon natural man too much wealth and indulgence.

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Come the Revisionists

Self-flattering, self-deluded–almost desperate by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Will the second Bush administration be less bellicose, more multilateral? That’s what some of the president’s critics are suggesting, after his much-publicized visit to Europe. Share This

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Winning the War

But don’t forget the rules of the strange conflict! by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online If we look back at the war that started on September 11, there have emerged some general rules that should guide us in the next treacherous round of the struggle against Islamic fascism, the autocracies that aid and abet

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A Pope for All Seasons

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services During the papal interregnum, divided Catholics await the new Holy Father to guide them in their third millennium, in which clergy in Roman-era headdresses send press releases via e-mail. Share This

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‘Something Is Terribly, Terribly Wrong’

On the “seeming insanity” of U.S. immigration and assimilation practices Interview by Marvin Olasky World Magazine Marvin Olasky interviewed Victor Davis Hanson for World Magazine. WORLD’S INTRODUCTION: If you can only read one book on the immigration issue, read Mexifornia (Encounter Books, 2003), which author Victor Davis Hanson accurately describes as “part melancholy remembrance of a world gone by,

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Our Not-So-Wise Experts

A litany of past failure by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Brent Scowcroft predicted on the eve of the Iraqi elections that voting there would increase the risk of civil war. Indeed, he foresaw “a great potential for deepening the conflict.” He also once assured us that Iraq “could become a Vietnam in a

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Move the U.N.?

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services Americans grew up with kind feelings toward the United Nations. Many remain nostalgic about their childhood UNESCO Halloween buckets and UNICEF Christmas cards. Such goodwill explains why we host the organization and cover a quarter of its operating budget. Share This

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