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VDH Ultra

Comment from an Angry Reader: You’re a civil guy, and it is appreciated. It would be a waste of time, however, for us to engage in colloquy. I can only hope that you are not spared the results of your short-sightedness, and cheerleading for Donald Trump—the word is apt, despite your ‘preference’ in the primaries—that […]

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VDH Ultra

Comment from an Angry Reader: Dear Sir,  Maybe if Trump wins, you can be one of his pet intellectuals, whom he will despise and humiliate.  Sincerely, Kurt Lipschutz   Victor Davis Hanson’s Reply: Dear Angry Reader Lipschutz, I voted against Trump in the primaries and am on record that he was not among the 5-10

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VDH UltraAngry Reader #10

Angry Reader: We Americans are much better informed these days, and while your numbers may be accurate, you failed miserably to account for inflation and any increase in the gdp. I can only surmise that you disincluded this information in order to skew the numbers to your advantage.We call this lying. It is intended to make folks believe something

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VDH UltraAngry Reader #5

by Victor Davis Hanson Private Papers Angry Reader #5 wrote: Don’t mean to troll here, but for the nth time, what is it about Obama or his agenda that wasn’t conservative mainstream thought even a few years ago?? He’s lowered taxes, been tough on defense, adopted a healthcare plan proposed by the Heritage Foundation Share

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VDH UltraAngry Reader #3

by Victor Davis Hanson Private Papers Angry Reader #3 writes: I won’t take the time to deconstruct your little essay line by line but trust me, almost everything you post is pure, unadulterated, kool-aid-inspired nonsense straight from the fever-swamp of the Reich-wing disinformation echo-chamber, Share This

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