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VDH UltraThe Thinning Veneer of Our Civilization

Victor Davis Hanson Eeyore’s Cabinet Almost daily we read of another smash-and-grab, mass theft somewhere in California. The only surprise twist to these stories is the steady encroachment of thievery into high-end stores in places like Carmel and Walnut Creek. A friend I know in Fresno said she was at a store where a shoplifter scurried […]

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VDH UltraSorting out the Strange Mess of Biden, NATO, Putin, Trump, and Ukraine; Part Two

Victor Davis Hanson Historian’s Corner Next, we come to NATO Remember that NATO supposedly hates Trump because in art-of-the-deal bombastic style, he screamed, he yelled, he cajoled—and he got NATO to spend an extra $100 billion on its defense with more commitments to follow. Ukraine is geographically near several NATO members. It is far distant

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VDH UltraSorting out the Strange Mess of Biden, NATO, Putin, Trump, and Ukraine; Part One

Historian’s Corner Victor Davis Hanson Dear Ultra Readers,  Could you please help figure out the following confusion about the Ukraine mess as Putin ratchets up the pressure on Ukraine? We were once told by our Washington grandees that Trump was variously Putin’s “puppet” (Hillary Clinton), a Russian “asset” (James Clapper), and “treasonous” (John Brennan). Who

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VDH UltraThe Critical Race Rhetoric Versus the Reality on the Street

Victor Davis Hanson Eeyore’s Cabinet The Kenosha/Waukesha contrast summed up the great abyss between BLM/Woke/Media rhetoric and the soaring crime reality on the street. The former was hyped as race when it was not, the latter was written off as nonracial when it was. Rittenhouse should have never been arrested; Brooks should never have been

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VDH UltraLearning from Months of Chaos. Part Three

Victor Davis Hanson Eeyore’s Cabinet Race. The recent verdicts in the Kyle Rittenhouse and Ahmaud Arbery cases remind us that in the post-OJ age, the current jury system usually works well enough—given the former was rightly found innocent of murder and the killers of the latter probably had insufficient cause to justify lethal force based on

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VDH UltraLearning from Months of Chaos. Part Two

Victor Davis Hanson Eeyore’s Cabinet Fuel. A year ago, gas and heating fuels were cheap. They now have gone up on average 60 percent, far higher in places like California. Biden, after cancelling pipelines, putting federal lands off limits to fracking and horizontal drilling, promising new taxes and regulations on fossil-fuel development, and cutting back

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VDH UltraLearning from Months of Chaos. Part One

Victor Davis Hanson Eeyore’s Cabinet We have suffered an unfortunate ten months under Joe Biden, but also received a bitter and valuable reminder of the leftwing gods who failed. Here are some lessons Biden has offered since his inauguration. The common ideological theme of these disasters is an arrogant disavowal of unchanging human nature. Put

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VDH UltraThe Real Fascism: Part Three

Victor Davis Hanson Historian’s Corner Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama at various times have called for either junking the 233-year-old Electoral College, the 180-year-old filibuster, the 60-year-old 50-state union, the 150-year-old nine-justice Supreme Court, and the 233-year-old Constitutionally mandated responsibilities of states to have primary responsibility in crafting balloting laws in national elections.

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VDH UltraThe Real Fascism: Part Two

Victor Davis HansonHistorian’s Corner One can look for real authoritarianism and threats to the Constitution in the Obama and Biden administrations. The Obama justice department surveilled any Associated Press reporters they suspected of leaks. They monitored the communication data of Fox reporter James Rosen—mostly on the correct assumption that the media was so biased and

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