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VDH UltraThe Thinning Veneer of a Thin Civilization. Part One

Victor Davis Hanson Eeyore’s Corner Was the idea of zero-interest rates, printing money, running up multi-trillion-dollar deficits, and paying millions not to work—to create prosperity and to excise that evil, the monetary seriousness of the ghost of Milton Friedman? Did Biden believe his inflation would make all of us kings, or was it that he […]

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VDH UltraThe Thinning Veneer of a Thin Civilization. Part One Read More »

VDH UltraBidenism Grows Toxic. Part One

Victor Davis HansonEeyore’s Corner Once affluent and leisured societies achieve postmodern complacency, watch out! Survival leads to surfeit that results in utopianism that ends in a reversion to tribalism, anarchy, and chaos—and a return to the very primitivism from which a society once advanced. So the Greeks thought civilizations aged like people, through muscular adolescence,

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VDH UltraBidenism Grows Toxic. Part One Read More »

VDH UltraWhen a Tiger Breaks Free. Part Two

Victor Davis Hanson Eeyore’s Cabinet  NATO/Berlin NATO fed and petted the Putin tiger too. Germany fancied itself as a sort of NATO point of resistance to the U.S. Its public polls anti-American. Its politicians are culturally disdainful of America. Merkel’s reign ended in disaster, as she destroyed any chance of German energy independence from Russia

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VDH UltraWhen a Tiger Breaks Free. Part Two Read More »

VDH UltraWhen a Tiger Breaks Free. Part One

Victor Davis Hanson Eeyore’s Cabinet  Putin, of course, is the guilty party for the ongoing destruction in Ukraine—in the manner that similar raptors like Hitler and Stalin caused the 1939 Poland catastrophe or China swallowed Hong Kong. We can talk all we want about British and French appeasement, American isolation, and Russian collusion that certainly

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VDH UltraWhen a Tiger Breaks Free. Part One Read More »

VDH UltraFrom Appeasement to No-Fly-Zones in a Blink of an Eye—Or Why the Left is Furiously Flipping and Flopping—Part Two.

Victor Davis HansonHistorian’s Corner C. Analysis. So why is the Left Saber-rattling? There are four choices, and they are not mutually exclusive: The Left knows that Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden serially appeased Putin. They privately accept that his invasion of Ukraine is a manifestation of their own efforts that weakened U.S. deterrence that

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VDH UltraFrom Appeasement to No-Fly-Zones in a Blink of an Eye—Or Why the Left is Furiously Flipping and Flopping—Part Two. Read More »

VDH UltraThe Liberal Left: From Appeasement to No-Fly-Zones in a Blink of an Eye—Part One.

Victor Davis HansonHistorian’s Corner A. The Record of Leftwing Appeasement Consider the following. From 2009 until the recent present, the Left did the following: Appeased Vladimir Putin with “reset.” This included both the relevant laxity toward Russia—inviting Russia into the Middle East, bringing it into the Iran Nuclear Deal discussions, the Obama hot mic revelation,

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VDH UltraThe Liberal Left: From Appeasement to No-Fly-Zones in a Blink of an Eye—Part One. Read More »

VDH UltraConservatives and Ukraine—Four Views, Both Right and Wrong: Part Two

Victor Davis Hanson Historian’s Corner Alternative View #4: Paleo Putin Wait a minute. Putin is a dictator, yes, but have we recently cut off all dictators? Xi? The Saudi royal family? Castro, Inc.? The ayatollahs? At least Putin does not desecrate Christianity. At least Russians do not make apologies for their own country. Who fought

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VDH UltraConservatives and Ukraine—Four Views, Both Right and Wrong: Part Two Read More »

VDH UltraConservatives and Ukraine—Four Views, Both Right and Wrong: Part One

Victor Davis Hanson Historian’s Corner There are four schools of conservative thought in Ukraine. Alternative View #1: Realist Deterrence Putin is a thug—period. Putin violated global norms. Putin is getting thousands killed for some stupid irredentist dream of restoring a lost Russian Empire. So, he must be deterred. He must be stopped. He must be

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VDH UltraConservatives and Ukraine—Four Views, Both Right and Wrong: Part One Read More »