Historian’s Corner

VDH UltraFrom Rural to Surreal—Once Small Farming Became Latifundia: Part One

Victor Davis Hanson For the first 50 years of my rural existence, I don’t think I encountered more than 10 trespassing cars parked in the orchards or vineyards (one a decade)—aside from the intoxicated drivers who left the main road, veered off the pavement, destroyed several trees or vines, and abandoned their automobiles or trucks […]

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VDH UltraWhen and How Did We Get Here?—Gradually, then Suddenly. Part Four

Victor Davis Hanson The final catalyst that led to our collective implosion was the election year 2020 and the accelerating Trump Derangement Syndrome. As the cities burned, unbelievable madness followed in efforts to ensure the incumbent president would not be reelected. Suddenly, congressional officials, mayors, and governors all refused to keep the peace by requesting

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VDH UltraWhen and How Did We Get Here?— Gradually, then Suddenly. Part Three

Victor Davis Hanson The third catalyst that fueled our sudden madness and melted down the country was the aftermath of the death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020. The eight-time felon was reportedly arrested after trying to pass counterfeit bills. He resisted arrest, was likely under the influence of recent (or very recent) fentanyl

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VDH UltraWhen and How Did We Get Here?— Gradually, then Suddenly. Part Three Read More »

VDH UltraWhen and How Did We Get Here?—Gradually, then Suddenly. Part Two

Victor Davis Hanson Our nation’s change into something unrecognizable just four years ago had a few precursors and catalysts. The first was the Obama administration’s redefining of American norms. Before Obama, “racial relations” were largely defined as the historical 12 percent black/88 percent “non-black” dichotomy, in the context of dealing with the sins of southern

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VDH UltraWhen and How Did We Get Here?—Gradually, then Suddenly. Part Two Read More »

VDH UltraWhen and How Did We Get Here?—Gradually, then Suddenly. Part One

Victor Davis Hanson Presidents—Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden—have either been doubling the national debt in their four- or eight-year tenures or added several trillion to it. We all know that adding a trillion dollars in debt to what we collectively owe every 100 days is unsustainable. But then again, we all know that to stop the

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VDH UltraWhen and How Did We Get Here?—Gradually, then Suddenly. Part One Read More »

VDH UltraThe Mythologies of the Middle East: Part Three

Victor Davis Hanson The Myth of the Oppressed Palestinians There are lots of refugees in the world with much longer claims of displacement than the Palestinians, and also some with much more recent suffering. And yet we hear nothing about them. Does anyone challenge Turkish president Erdogan for his ongoing threats to send missiles into

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VDH UltraThe Mythologies of the Middle East: Part Three Read More »