Historian’s Corner

VDH UltraHow the Projectionist Game is Played. Part Four—“Insurrectionist!”

Victor Davis Hanson There is no need to review in detail the January 6th buffoonish riot in the Capitol. Instead concentrate on the subsequent effort of the Left to construct it into an “armed insurrection” and “conspiracy” to overthrow the government—as a way of demonizing conservatives as violent traitors and deflecting the violence of summer

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VDH UltraHow the Projectionist Game is Played. Part Three—Invoke the 25th Amendment!

Victor Davis Hanson How many times since 2017 did we hear the cry, “25 Amendment!” to remove Donald Trump from office on grounds he was non compos mentis? Immediately upon taking office Foreign Policy ran an essay by Obamaite Rosa Brooks outlining a way to remove him through a) impeachment, b) the 25th Amendment, or

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VDH UltraHow the Projectionist Game is Played. Part Three—Invoke the 25th Amendment! Read More »

VDH UltraHow the Projectionist Game is Played. Part Two—Election Denialist!

Victor Davis Hanson Think of any recent leftwing accusation against the Right. Then automatically assume that it is evidence of the accuser’s own culpability for the very charge he levels against others. In other words, the Left projects upon its opponents exactly what it fears is most incriminating among its own ranks. As a general

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VDH UltraHow the Projectionist Game is Played. Part Two—Election Denialist! Read More »

VDH UltraHow the Projectionist Game is Played. Part One—“Racist!”

Victor Davis Hanson Almost anything or anyone the Left opposes is smeared as racist or a racist. And the rules are made only by the Left. The N-word is utterly racist. Yet it continues and obviously gains currency when rappers and comedians use it promiscuously on the assumptions that leftists and blacks cannot be racist

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VDH UltraHow the Projectionist Game is Played. Part One—“Racist!” Read More »

VDH UltraWhat Now Exactly Are Impeachable Offenses? Part Two

Victor Davis Hanson 3) Did Biden faithfully execute the laws of the land as he had sworn to upon Inauguration Day? More specifically, did Biden enforce existing federal immigration law and thus prosecute those who swarmed illegally across the U.S. border, and then further in illegal fashion resided with impunity in the U.S.? Or did

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VDH UltraWhat Now Exactly Are Impeachable Offenses? Part Two Read More »

VDH UltraWhat Now Exactly Are Impeachable Offenses? Part One

Victor Davis Hanson We know that Donald Trump was once impeached for calling up his Ukrainian counterpart and complaining that the Ukrainian government had been too involved with the corrupt Biden family. Trump then warned that if Ukraine did not clean up its quid-pro-quo act, he would delay approved military aid. And while Trump eventually

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VDH UltraWhat Now Exactly Are Impeachable Offenses? Part One Read More »

VDH UltraThe Unmentionable, Unspeakable, and Unutterable. Part Three

Victor Davis Hanson Instead, our elite social engineers focus on the black upper-middle class through vastly expanding affirmative action and recalibrating college admissions as reparatory rather than proportionally representative (i.e., 16 percent rather than the old 11 or 12 percent of a college’s new enrollment now shall be black). They capitalize Black. The bicoastal elite

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VDH UltraThe Unmentionable, Unspeakable, and Unutterable. Part Three Read More »

VDH UltraThe Unmentionable, Unspeakable, and Unutterable. Part Two

Victor Davis Hanson Crime Everywhere Now we come to the current crime wave. We see weekly YouTube videos of the knock-out game, of Saturday night Al Capone-gangland massacring, of vulnerable joggers raped and killed, of a mother and her daughter carjacked, of a woman at a rail crossing murdered, of a petite woman pushed to

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VDH UltraThe Unmentionable, Unspeakable, and Unutterable. Part Two Read More »