Historian’s Corner

VDH UltraStrange and Dangerous People of the American Outback. Part Six: Rodrigo Continued

Victor Davis Hanson Still stranger occurrences were to come. An ample penny bucket in our unlocked porch, where everyone threw their change, disappeared. How did that happen? During a party, two or three of the Lopezes would just show up in our yard and begin eating. Rodrigo, Sr. himself was said to be freelancing, using […]

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VDH UltraStrange and Dangerous People of the American Outback. Part Six: Rodrigo Continued Read More »

VDH UltraStrange and Dangerous People of the American Outback. Part Five: Rodrigo

Victor Davis Hanson My grandfather continued, “Rodrigo Lopez is his name. Came with good word from all who knew him. And he’s got a family too—five kids and a wife. Family man. And he’ll be lots of help.” In an instant, I kept fixating on the glory days of Joe, Manuel, and my uncle renting

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VDH UltraStrange and Dangerous People of the American Outback. Part Five: Rodrigo Read More »

VDH UltraStrange and Dangerous People of the American Outback. Part Four: Burton Continued

Victor Davis Hanson As long as my grandfather had been still hale in his 60s and 70s, his presence rippled out throughout the farm. All of us tried to emulate his singular Roman agrarian morality. So, it was a hectic, wonderful time, full of visitors and loyal and skilled workers who respected “Mr. Davis,” largely

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VDH UltraStrange and Dangerous People of the American Outback. Part Four: Burton Continued Read More »

VDH UltraStrange and Dangerous People of the American Outback. Part Three: Burton Continued

Victor Davis Hanson Oddly, as I said, for a lifelong farm laborer, Burton knew almost nothing about mechanics, indeed nothing about anything other than trying to do the physically impossible—like lifting 200-pound plum stumps or throwing up on the truck bed two-foot sections of three-foot diameter concrete irrigation pipe. I think he was the strongest

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VDH UltraStrange and Dangerous People of the American Outback. Part Three: Burton Continued Read More »

VDH UltraStrange and Dangerous People of the American Outback. Part Two: Burton

Victor Davis Hanson Burton was at least 6’5’’. He may have been about 55 years old—although he was one of those strange people who were ageless and could have been either 40 or 70. What was not ambiguous was his strength. He was made of solid muscle. Burt, as he wished to be known, was

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VDH UltraStrange and Dangerous People of the American Outback. Part Two: Burton Read More »

VDH UltraStrange and Dangerous People of the American Outback. Part One

Victor Davis Hanson There are many attractions—open spaces, beautiful farmland, central location, “diverse” peoples, middle-class traditionalism—in the Central Valley outback. But I am not quite yet a complete fool: there are real costs to being able to run with the redtails and foxes. Dangerous people live out here. There always were such characters, but nothing

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VDH UltraStrange and Dangerous People of the American Outback. Part One Read More »

VDH UltraWhat is Decivilization? Part One

Victor Davis Hanson The Biden administration, with assent from California politicos, bureaucrats, Indian tribes, and green activists, is partnering with the state to destroy four major dams on Northern California’s Klamath River. Their ostensible idea is to facilitate better salmon runs, in part due to concessions to Native American lobbyists. The government brags that the

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VDH UltraWhat is Decivilization? Part One Read More »

VDH UltraNation on Fire or Does the West Ever Snap? Part One

Victor Davis Hanson We recently witnessed days of riot, arson, and mayhem in France. Sweden is also mired in immigrant crime and violence—and immigrant contempt for Swedish culture. Sweden’s embassies are sources of threatened violence by Islamists upset that a Swedish immigrant from the Middle East burned a Koran. (Would Christians worldwide protest at Turkish

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VDH UltraNation on Fire or Does the West Ever Snap? Part One Read More »