Historian’s Corner

VDH UltraOur Great Illegal Immigration Mythologies. Part Three

Victor Davis Hanson Myth #3: The Noble Illegal Immigrant Somehow from all the photos of the thousands swarming into across the border, we have constructed the would-be illegal alien into a nobility of sorts. But well aside from the hypocrisy—we fired military personnel who chose not to be vaccinated, but welcomed in illegal aliens who …

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VDH UltraOur Great Illegal Immigration Mythologies. Part Two

Victor Davis Hanson Myth #2: Our two-party establishments oppose illegal immigration. 1) Corporate America/the Chamber of Commerce/the Wall Street Journal business intelligentsia all welcome open borders. They oppose E-Verify, The Wall, deportations, etc. Under their euphemism “comprehensive immigration reform” they want to return to the Reaganite Simpson–Mazzoli Act nothingness that destroyed border enforcement and the …

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VDH UltraOur Great Illegal Immigration Mythologies. Part One

Victor Davis Hanson Myth #1: Mexico is our “partner.” Joe Biden has recently praised President Andrés Manuel López Obrador as working hand-in-glove with him to alleviate the influx of illegal immigrants crossing into the U.S. from his country. In fact, Obrador is one of the main reasons there have been over seven million illegal entries …

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VDH UltraThe Unappreciated Rustics. Part One. Historians in a Motor Shop

Victor Davis Hanson Since antiquity farmers have been characterized as boorish (Greek agros, “farm/field,” English “agrarian”; Latin rus, “countryside,” English “rustic”), as if nature coarsened those who worked with it. My experience of more than six decades on the farm is that such impressions certainly can be true. I remember the old ditch tender, whom …

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VDH UltraCivilizational Killers. Part Three. Borders and Security

Victor Davis Hanson The history of nations is a story of borders. Most wars break out over a nation’s private space, essential to create and maintain a unique culture. I once studied why Greek states fought three out of four years in the fifth century B.C. The answer was easy: disputed borderlands. Democratic Athens was …

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VDH UltraCivilizational Killers. Part Two. Debt and Inflation

Victor Davis Hanson Debt and its twin inflation destroy civilizations. Ancient coins were sometimes called “redheads” as the raised impressed silhouettes of grandees stamped on “silver” coins were the first to have their silver veneers worn away revealing the “red” bronze beneath. Our paper money is similarly becoming less and less valuable, the more we …

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VDH UltraCivilizational Killers. Part One. Perversion of the Law

Victor Davis Hanson No civilization can continue if its bedrock values and institutions are eroding—especially if the effort to save them is considered worse than their destruction. When we look to the civilizational decline of the Greek polis, the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, or of Europe in the 1930s we learn that erosion is …

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