Historian’s Corner

VDH UltraFinally, a Ten-point Democrat Agenda? Part Two

Six, side with 40 percent of Americans who demand support for Ukraine for “as long as it takes,” with a blank check to the Zelenskyy government. Damn any who propose a ceasefire as Putin puppets. Instead, try to bleed out Russia to the last useful Ukrainian. Oppose any ceasefire as “unworkable,” “impossible,” or “naïve.” Never […]

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VDH UltraFinally, a Ten-point Democrat Agenda? Part Two Read More »

VDH UltraFinally, a Ten-point Democrat Agenda? Part One

Victor Davis Hanson After two months of hysterics, street theater, and virtue-signaling moralizing we can finally detect the Democrats’ counter-agenda. It really exists and seems based on ten simple concepts. One, cherry-pick federal Obama- and Biden-appointed judges to stop all of Trump’s initiatives in the courts. The merits are unimportant. The point is to delay,

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VDH UltraFinally, a Ten-point Democrat Agenda? Part One Read More »

VDH UltraThe Real Dangers of DEI. Part One

Victor Davis Hanson The evil of the diversity/equity/inclusion industry—costing the U.S. more than $1 trillion in its last, most radical four years of implementation—was not its fraud alone. We expected fakers like Ibram X. Kendi—born Ibram Henry Rogers to middle-to-upper-middle-class Jamaican immigrant professionals—to be lavished with millions of leftwing guilt money, spend through it without

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VDH UltraThe Real Dangers of DEI. Part One Read More »

VDH UltraWhat are Trump’s Arguments Against Canada and Mexico?

Mexico. Part Two Trump has four, far bigger, gripes with Mexico. They are more compelling than his Canadian squabbles. One, suddenly Mexico’s trade surpluses are an astounding $170 billion or more. Indeed, it grows second only to China’s! And it is predicated on assembling Chinese materials into finished goods that can thus brazenly escape tariff

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VDH UltraWhat are Trump’s Arguments Against Canada and Mexico? Read More »

VDH UltraWhat are Trump’s Arguments Against Canada and Mexico?

Victor Davis Hanson Canada. Part One Trump has been waging a running verbal battle with Canada. And it is based on four of his own pet peeves. One, he despises Canadian Liberal Party leader and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who in the past has openly sided with Trump’s political opponents in 2016, 2020, and 2024.

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VDH UltraWhat are Trump’s Arguments Against Canada and Mexico? Read More »

VDH UltraUkraine Peace—So Far Away and Still So Close

Victor Davis Hanson After the recent dustup with Donald Trump and J.D. Vance in the White House, Volodymyr Zelenskyy should have taken a lesson from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Like Ukraine, Israel too is similarly in an existential war—in fact against four adversaries. And likewise, it is dependent on U.S. financial and military aid.

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VDH UltraMissing Those Good Old Alternatives to Trump? Part Two

3) Pentagon. The military was declared not to be chronically short by 30-50,000 recruits each year—simply by readjusting the required manpower levels downward. Do we remember the monthly sound-off of a retired admiral or general (Mark Milley was the latest example) screaming that Trump was a “fascist,” and during the Trump presidency, that he was

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VDH UltraMissing Those Good Old Alternatives to Trump? Part Two Read More »

VDH UltraMissing Those Good Old Alternatives to Trump? Part One

Victor Davis Hanson Given the leftwing hysterical responses to all of Trump’s thirty-day-old initiatives, let us remember what just a few months ago were the alternatives. 1) War. The Biden non-strategy for the Ukraine war was to provide enough aid for Ukraine to continue, but not enough to win and incite nuclear Russia. There was

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VDH UltraMissing Those Good Old Alternatives to Trump? Part One Read More »

VDH UltraUkrainian Bitter Realities and Visions of a Peace Deal? Part Three

6) Why did Putin go into Ukraine in 2014 and 2022? We have mentioned the role of the Obama hot-mic appeasement and Putin’s later invasion. We still do not know the U.S. role in the Ukrainian street violence of 2014 that drove out the pro-Russian but legitimately elected President Viktor Yanukovych. Nor do we know

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VDH UltraUkrainian Bitter Realities and Visions of a Peace Deal? Part Three Read More »