Eeyore’s Cabinet

VDH UltraThe Most Dangerous People in America. Part One

Victor Davis Hanson Eeyore’s Cabinet The elite bicoastal and professional Left are strange creatures—a peculiar hothouse species of American plant that has adapted to a particular time and place in American history. They either cheered on or were indifferent to the damage of 120-days of arson, riot, looting, death, assault, and occupation of downtown property […]

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VDH UltraThe Most Dangerous People in America. Part One Read More »

VDH UltraThe Ukraine Scab and the Putrid Wound Beneath. Part Two

Victor Davis Hanson Eeyore’s Cabinet Russians do not fear America. During the Obama-Biden years of Russian “reset,” the United States appeased Vladimir Putin. It dismantled missile defense in Eastern Europe and invited Russia into the Middle East. Reset ended with the Russian invasions of eastern Ukraine and Crimea. Then America went to the other extreme of

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VDH UltraThe Ukraine Scab and the Putrid Wound Beneath. Part Two Read More »

VDH UltraThe Ukraine Scab and the Putrid Wound Beneath. Part One.

Victor Davis Hanson Eeyore’s Cabinet Americans are struggling to find a way to deter Vladimir Putin’s Russia from gobbling up Ukraine and then eyeing the Baltic States next. Most of us see Putin as a thug who will do anything to recreate the borders of the Soviet Union, unless he is deterred. But we acknowledge

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VDH UltraThe Ukraine Scab and the Putrid Wound Beneath. Part One. Read More »

VDH UltraTreat the University as It Is Now, Not as It Once Was

Victor Davis HansonEeyore’s Cabinet The following assessments and suggestions for change are not exaggerations about higher education in America. Universities are now openly political agents, not disinterested places of learning. Their faculty and administration are overwhelmingly leftwing, to the point, according to surveys and campaign donation data, of being over 90 percent Democratic/Leftwing. But they

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VDH UltraTreat the University as It Is Now, Not as It Once Was Read More »

VDH UltraKnock, Knock, Knocking on Heaven’s Door — Or the Wages of Stupidity: Part Three

Victor Davis Hanson Eeyore’s Corner  Idiocy Five In 2014, I was riding with friends on those narrow-tire, light-weight road bikes (my 11th year of it).  I had felt the tire slightly rubbing, but each time I flipped over the carbon bike it was fine. What I didn’t know (recklessness) was there was an invisible, hairline

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VDH UltraKnock, Knock, Knocking on Heaven’s Door — Or the Wages of Stupidity: Part Three Read More »

VDH UltraKnock, Knock, Knocking on Heaven’s Door — Or the Wages of Stupidity: Part Two

Victor Davis Hanson Eeyore’s Cabinet Idiocy Three Four years later as a graduate student of 24, I returned to Greece to do field work at the American School of Classical Studies. I had a bad habit of not drinking enough water much when hiking or during the school’s digs at Corinth. I then liked instead (but

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VDH UltraKnock, Knock, Knocking on Heaven’s Door — Or the Wages of Stupidity: Part Two Read More »

VDH UltraKnock, Knock, Knocking on Heaven’s Door — or the Wages of Recklessness and Stupidity

Victor Davis Hanson Eeyore’s Cabinet Part One At some point, we all look back on nearly seven decades and conclude we are lucky to be alive. I always remember a warning from my mother when I shaved off bits of my two-front permanent teeth at 10. I was jumping off the old iron Jungle Jim at

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VDH UltraKnock, Knock, Knocking on Heaven’s Door — or the Wages of Recklessness and Stupidity Read More »

VDH UltraThe Critical Race Rhetoric Versus the Reality on the Street

Victor Davis Hanson Eeyore’s Cabinet The Kenosha/Waukesha contrast summed up the great abyss between BLM/Woke/Media rhetoric and the soaring crime reality on the street. The former was hyped as race when it was not, the latter was written off as nonracial when it was. Rittenhouse should have never been arrested; Brooks should never have been

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VDH UltraLearning from Months of Chaos. Part Three

Victor Davis Hanson Eeyore’s Cabinet Race. The recent verdicts in the Kyle Rittenhouse and Ahmaud Arbery cases remind us that in the post-OJ age, the current jury system usually works well enough—given the former was rightly found innocent of murder and the killers of the latter probably had insufficient cause to justify lethal force based on

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VDH UltraLearning from Months of Chaos. Part Three Read More »