Angry Reader

VDH UltraAngry Reader

From an Angry Reader: Mr. Hanson, I don’t know anything about Stanley Baldwin, but I’ll assume your description of him is accurate. In that case, you have to stretch quite a bit to make Obama into Baldwin. For instance: You call Baldwin a pacifist. Obama is decidedly not a pacifist. He is a Niebuhrian realist …

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VDH UltraAngry Reader

From an Angry Reader: Mr. Hanson,   Did you volunteer or were you drafted (like so many of us) to fight in Vietnam? Did you know “we” lost that war to those so called “commies” and now those “commies” make Trump brand shirts and ties?   Also, are you willing to pay for increased US …

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VDH Ultra

From an Angry Reader: Dear Continually Angry Reader Steve Faddy Hey Vic, I understand you are a historian, but please write a timely piece, maybe touching on the brilliant incoherence of the foreign policy of the Mad King Don. Obama is no longer the President. Write something relevant to the present populace instead of another …

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VDH Ultra

04/24/17 From an Angry Reader: Mr. Hanson,  As a registered Republican, I am disgusted with the behavior of President Trump and always surprised with the support he receives from people who appear to be well educated knowledgeable, and intelligent.  I would give your written opinion more credit if you did not position yourself so far …

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VDH Ultra

From an Angry Reader: You used to be my favorite columnist, in fact the only one I read. But it seems you’ve recently become overly mesmerized with Trumpism and the resulting anti Obamaism. I wish you’d returned to objective history.   Doug Waltner Victor Davis Hanson’s Reply:  Dear Sort of Angry Reader Doug Waltner,You should …

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VDH Ultra

03/29/17 From an Angry Reader: Do you mean educated people who worked hard to better themselves? Let’s all just stay in the old steel mill towns and coal mining towns gripping about how unfair the world is to us. You know, the good old days when blacks knew their place and we didn’t have no …

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VDH Ultra

03/27/17 From an Angry Reader: Victor, As a fine historian (but poor political scientist) you know quite well that Andrew Jackson was a national hero with a distinguished military career. The Donald is a former casino owner and reality TV show star. It is a long stretch to compare them. Further, a column replete with …

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VDH Ultra

From an Angry Reader: Russia’s political hierarchy and official press greeted Trump’s Inauguration with unreserved glee. An old order had crumbled and, with it, an impediment to Putin’s ambitions. “In 1917, armed supporters of Lenin stormed the Winter Palace and arrested capitalist ministers and overthrew the social political order,” the lead article in the daily …

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VDH Ultra

03/22/17 From an Angry Reader: This was written with the notion that we can have a mutual exchange of ideas. Thanks, Tom: Victor Davis Hanson (sic) commentary (I assume it is Dr. Hanson) is very quiet and unassuming along with his Rodney King, “Why can’t we just get along,” attitude coupled with, ” everybody’s opinion …

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VDH Ultra

03/21/17 From an Angry Reader: Sorry so many of the stars disagree with your politics, but it is an alternative fact to state that the envelope mixup was the fault of dense celebrities. The PWC representative, who handed the wrong envelope to Warren Beatty, along with his PWC associate in the wings, the only other …

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