Campaign Season Comes to a Close

Come join Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc for campaign news: Kamala Harris’s unity speech, Biden’s “garbage” comment, a look at the polls, Netanyahu’s year and its legacy, and what to look for on Nov. 5.

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5 thoughts on “Campaign Season Comes to a Close”

  1. I’ve been captivated by Professor Hanson from the moment I saw his interview with Peter Robinson on the show Uncommon Knowledge. That was 6-7 years ago.

    I’m a naturalized US citizen who wants to learn the history , politics and government of the United States. For me it is incumbent upon naturalized citizen to engaged in this endeavor to assimilate effectively. Prof Hanson became an important piece of this ongoing endeavor.

    Listening to his podcast/interviews and reading his works is empowering. Although, it is shameless act to toot your own horn, I could state with confidence that I’m fundamentally sound with respect to I’ve learned than majority of the US born citizen with regards to US history, politics and government.

    May God continue to shower you with wisdom and longevity. You’re the light in this darkness of stupidity.


  2. Victor, please do not say “Nucular ” it is pronounced “Nuclear” like “New Klee Uhr”, It’s so cringy to hear experts say it wrong over and over again, please say it correctly. Also, the correct way to say nuclear waste is “Spent Nuclear Fuel” because it is not waste. It can be re used in Molten Salt reactors like Thorium Nuclear reactors. I ask that you please use the correct pronunciation for Nuclear.

  3. Charles Carroll

    Dr. Hanson’s commentary regarding the “experts'” assessment of the forces Israel was/is pitted against reminds me of the mid-70’s when all of the knowledgeable pundits talked about the fiercest paramilitary organizations that law and order faced in California. One of those was the mighty Symbionese Liberation Army platoons. Of course all of these mighty foes turned out to be collections of undisciplined thugs. Armed? Yes. A menace? Only if you were civilians in the immediate vicinity. Obviously Hezbollah and Hamas are larger, but the point I wish to make is that most of the people assessing them are not competent to do so.

    1. The perspicacious individual who had the idea is the general, he/she who is trained to tie wires is the foot soldier. Both are needed.

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