Biden’s Latest Israel Proposal and a second Trump Assassination Attempt

On this episode, Jack Fowler and Victor Davis Hanson delve into the recent assassination attempts on Donald Trump, the Biden administration’s controversial proposal for Israel to cede land to Hezbollah, and the integrity of the Supreme Court amidst internal leaks. They discuss the broader implications of these events on national security, media bias, and political rhetoric.

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4 thoughts on “Biden's Latest Israel Proposal and a second Trump Assassination Attempt”


    I don’t think these Leftists you’ve talked about are mentally ill, crazy. I think they are incredibly immature. They are overgrown adolescents. That’s why they are Leftists in the first place. Leftism/progressivism is just childishness expressed as a political philosophy.
    Look at their behavior. They want to world to accommodate their wishes, and they throw tantrums when it doesn’t. And they refuse to take responsibility for their actions. No one is responsible for things they do, or decisions they make, “Someone Else” is. Who behaves like that? Children.
    Of course, there are those commit violence, and that goes beyond mere immaturity. But the vast majority of them are just overgrown children. Their parents were overgrown children, going back to the Boomers.

    Full disclosure-born in 1964, I’m a Boomer, by some reckoning. But by others, that was the first year of GenX. I prefer to claim that membership to Boomership.


    Jack, I’m Catholic, too, but I’m an American, and I have no problem when we question Francis on things outside the scope of our faith. As Dennis Prager described him, Francis’ theology is Catholic but his politics are Left.

    I’m not a fan of the doctrine of papal infallibility on matters of faith, either, for that matter.

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