Angry Reader 01-09-2020

From An Angry Reader:

Subject: The Dangers of…YOU

Mr. Hanson,

It appears that they let just about anyone submit an opinion even a Stanford grad. I guess you didn’t have what it takes to get into Harvard. You are obviously a Republican and that is not a good thing right now. Republicans right now are deaf, blind and stupid! It is the ignorant and uneducated schmucks like you that have all the Republican believing that party is more important than country. You may have a degree but far from being educated. Educate yourself on the facts and stop spinning the truth to make yourself look relevant. Talk about misleading your audience. Like all Republicans, you are blind to what Trump has done to your country. I’m not saying he hasn’t done anything. I mean Mexico did pay for wall right? You are an embarrassment and a traitor. You love your bullshit party over your country! I say you are a fraud. Better start to learn Russian.

You have a great future at Fox and Friends.

Howard Selcer

Howard Selcer & Associates

302 Briston Private

Ottawa, ON K1G 5R1

Ottawa/Montreal/Toronto/Vancouver/Las Vegas/Chicago


Dear Angry Reader Howard Selcer,

You hit almost all the Angry Reader buttons: personal invective and ad hominem attacks (e.g., “traitor,” “ignorant and uneducated schmucks like you,” etc.), potty language (“bullshit”), personal arrogance (the pretentious titles and affiliations that remind us that you and your “associates” are pan-North-American and that a Harvard or Stanford pedigree equates with authority), the puerile grammatical incoherence (“that have all the Republican (sic) believing”; “You may have a degree but far from being (sic) educated”), the absence of a single example or fact to support your invective, and general ignorance about the target of your rant: I have never been a registered Republican, but currently am an Independent—after over thirty years of being a registered Democrat. Like most angry readers, you seem to deplore disunity even as your own harangues are clear evidence of why it exists.

Victor Davis Hanson

Victor Davis Hanson & Associates

The Hoover Institution, Stanford University, National Review, American Greatness, Tribune Publishing Company, Hillsdale College

Stanford/New York/Chicago/Hillsdale/Selma

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2 thoughts on “Angry Reader 01-09-2020”

  1. Terri Brummitt

    Gosh, I love Angry Reader!
    An absolutely brilliant concept: allow all comers to take their best shot at VDH who swats them off like annoying flies before giving them the death stomp.
    The baffling part is that the lightweights obviously think themselves not only worthy, but actually superior opponents. I would love to know (but for only a nanosecond) how it feels to be so thoroughly vanquished. Is there ever a dropping of the scales covering one’s eyes? Even a tiny moment of reflection?
    Nah. Being a dope is generally a lifetime curse.

  2. As usual Mr. Hanson your patient virtue extols the man whom has no patience or intellectual capacity to engage in a meaningful back-and-forth dialog. I learn so much from your writings and yes, I mostly agree, yet with those I do not agree with I’ll do my best to question them with respect so I can at least, perhaps, understand a bit more their ideology. Most are respectful in their reply(s) and it is a win-win. Mr. Selcer I fear would not be one of those.

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