Legends of the Fall

More myths about the current war. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online “The war is against ‘terror’.” As a number of astute observers have reminded us, terror is a method, not an enemy. And we are no more in a war against it than we were once fighting the scourge of Zeros or the plague […]

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What’s It All About?

Playing high-stakes poker like never before. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online The objectives and methods of the terrorists and ambushers in Iraq are not hard to fathom. Their strategy is twofold. Share This

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Why History Has No End

Islamic rage and Western disunity show that reports of history’s demise are greatly exaggerated. by Victor Davis Hanson City Journal Writing as the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, Francis Fukuyama famously announced the “End of History.” The world, he argued, was fast approaching the final stage of its political evolution. Share This

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On the Right Side of History

The hard truth won’t go away. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online At the end of this summer of our discontent, an array of Democratic presidential hopefuls, along with a number of restless pundits, are seeking to reclaim credibility after their mistaken prognoses about the Afghan and Iraqi wars. Share This

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These Are Historic Times

Is it to be Lincoln or Sisyphus? by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online By May 1864, Abraham Lincoln was in real trouble. The spectacular victories of the past year at Gettysburg and Vicksburg were mostly forgotten — in the manner that we no longer talk much about the amazing campaign in Afghanistan or the

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The Great Divide

Looking back on the fires of 9/11. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online So many things about September 11 have coalesced to define the attack as a singular event in American history. Three thousand Americans did not die in a fire, earthquake, or flood. Share This

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Hoping We Fail

Who loses and who wins in the high-stakes poker in Iraq? by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online It is not hard to determine who wishes the United States to succeed in rebuilding Iraq along lines that will promote consensual government, personal freedom, and economic vitality: Hardly anyone. At least, few other than the Iraqi

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Phase Three?

The enemy is growing desperate. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online After the first two conventional military victories in Afghanistan of November 2001 and this spring in Iraq, the recent bombings suggest that we are now entering a third phase: A desperate last-ditch war of attrition in which our enemies feel that bombing, suicide

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The Awakening

We need a clean slate in the postbellum world. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online What is a base? Is it something lke the facility in Saudi Arabia that enrages the local population, provides a rallying cry for unhinged Islamists, protects a medieval monarchy from an emerging consensual society in Iraq, and can’t be used

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How We Collapse

The home front is more worrisome than the battlefield. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Democratic critics keep deconstructing federal reports about intelligence lapses that might have led to the tragedy of September 11. While they fault the administration — in some cases correctly — for an apparent lack of vigilance, they do not

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