Weapons of Mass Hysteria

If anything, the war was about 100,000 corpses too late. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online The United States has lost less than 350 American dead in actual combat in Iraq, deposed the worst tyrant on the planet, and offered the first real hope of a humane government in the recent history of the […]

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The Mind of Our Enemies

Sorting out all the agendas in Iraq. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online “It is easy to be against the war now,” boasts Howard Dean, as he goes on to describe Iraq as a hopeless quagmire. Share This

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Better or Worse?

Should we believe the gloom of the Democrats? by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Thematic in the Democratic primary campaign is that the United States is worse off now than it was before the invasion of Iraq. The harangues from some of the candidates have been quite unbelievable: Saddam Hussein’s capture did little to

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The Election of 1864

Advantage: Commander-in-chief. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online The standing ovation for the chairman of the interim Iraqi Governing Council, the systematic refutation of all the tired canards — “unilateralism,” “preemption,” and “hubris” — praise and admiration for Afghans, the peroration about the historic times we are in and the promise to press on,

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El Norte

The case against Bush’s immigration plan. by Victor Davis Hanson WSJ Opinion Journal Online President Bush’s recent proposal to grant legal status to thousands of Mexican citizens currently working in the U.S. under illegal auspices seems at first glance to be a good start–splitting the difference between open and closed borders, and between amnesty and

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Our Primordial World

Pride and Envy are what makes this war go ’round. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Throughout the last two years of war, we have confronted a variety of what we thought were strange occurrences: the conquest of Iraq in a mere three weeks, the subsequent Iraqis’ looting of their own infrastructure, the counterinsurgency

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The Same Old Thing

Our Augean stables are 30 years old. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online One of the strangest developments of the ongoing presidential campaign has been the creation of a new national mythology: The United States is alienating the world, losing the friendship of the Europeans, needlessly offending the Arabs, and generally embarking on a

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The Western Disease

The strange syndrome of our guilt and their shame. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online After watching a string of editorial attacks on America both at home and from abroad in the aftermath of Saddam’s capture, I thought back to the actual record of the last two years. Share This

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Stuck on Calypso’s Island

Dialoguing with the Europeans. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online What follows is a fair summation of about 20 or so dialogues I had recently with a series of Europeans — a good cross-section really of Scandinavians, British, Germans, Greeks, and Dutch. Questions and answers are taken almost verbatim from our exchanges. Share This

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Critical Mass

We are reaching a showdown in this global war. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online We will ensure the peace in Iraq because of our support for consensual government, our massive infusion of material aid, and our respect for Iraqi sovereignty and culture. But none of this is possible without security, which is the

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