The Korean Games of Thrones
by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review The time for pious American lectures is over. North Korea North Korea seeks respect on the cheap — and attention and cash — that it cannot win the old-fashioned way by the long, hard work of achieving a dynamic economy or an influential culture. Over the […]

A fine essay by my colleague Dr Paul Gregory. https://www.forbes.com/sites/paulroderickgregory/2017/07/24/what-was-the-top-secret-information-passed-on-at-trump-tower/#6b644b2e1d44

VDH Ultra
From An Angry Reader: You need some serious help. Robert Millsap Victor Davis Hanson’s Reply: Dear Angry Reader Robert Millsap, In some sense, you are right. I have an acre yard that I tend myself and often could use some quite serious help in mowing, pruning, weeding, and hauling. Sincerely Victor Hanson

Brawn in an Age of Brains
Does physical labor have a future? By Victor Davis Hanson City Journal Those who would never stoop to paint their own houses gladly expend far more energy sweating at the gym. During the decline in physical-labor jobs over the last 50 years, an entire compensating industry has grown up around physical fitness. As modern work […]

Putin’s Playthings
by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review Putin will do anything to advance Russia’s interests because his country is in terrible shape. About a year ago, Donald Trump Jr. met with a mysterious Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya. Trump Jr. was purportedly eager to receive information that could damage Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. […]

The Fifth American War
by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review The country is coming apart, and the advocates of radical egalitarianism are winning. The wars between Trump, the media, the deep state, and the progressive party — replete with charges and counter-charges of scandal, collusion, and corruption — are merely symptoms of a much larger fundamental and […]

Russia Didn’t Interfere In U.S. Election To Help Trump, But To Destabilize America
By Paul Gregory // Forbes.com (Photo credit should read SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images) A still unidentified Democratic Party donor paid for the factually challenged dossier that almost sunk the Donald Trump campaign. The dossier was created (and perhaps written) with the support and assistance of unregistered foreign agents of the Russian government, according to the Senate Judiciary […]

My interview with Forum on KQED

VDH Ultra
From An Angry Reader: You either drank the cool aid or got a handsome check in the mail. Nonetheless, your argument doesn’t hold water. Not when I talk to people in southwest Virginia whose wells were contaminated by fracking. And throw in the illegal discharge of the brine water back into local streams. A resident […]

VDH Ultra
From an Angry Reader: Hello Dr. Hanson, While it’s hard to argue with “be happy day by day”, our current form of capitalism – which Hoover seems to endorse – makes that near impossible. Over the last 30 years, Friedman’s nutty idea of maximizing shareholder value as the only responsibility a corporation has, followed by […]

West Can Neither Live with nor Take Out North Korean Nukes
by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review It’s time for the U.S. and its allies to prepare for a tough, messy confrontation. North Korea recently test-launched a long-range missile capable of reaching Alaska. When North Korea eventually builds a missile capable of reaching the U.S. mainland, it will double down on its well-known […]

Military History In The News
Stalin’s Greatness? by Andrew Roberts “The Red Army could have defeated Nazi Germany without Allied help,” records The Times of London, “according to two thirds of Russians, who are adopting an increasingly positive view of Joseph Stalin’s wartime leadership despite the enormous casualties suffered under his command.” This worrying sign of increased ultra-nationalism under Vladimir […]

Trump’s Anti-Cairo Speech
By Victor Davis Hanson National Review In Warsaw, the president delivered the antithesis to the fallacious, appeasing lecture Obama preached to the Egyptians. Obama’s Cairo Address, June 4, 2009 About five months after the inauguration of Barack Obama, the president gave a strange address in Cairo. The speech was apparently designed to win over the […]

As physical jobs decline, something is lost
Op-Ed By Victor Davis Hanson // Los Angeles Times Scotty Breneman fillets a yellowfin tuna at Dory Fisherman’s Market in Newport Beach, Calif. on July 25, 2015. (Los Angeles Times) As jobs that require physical work decline thanks to technological advances, life superficially appears to get better. Cheap cellphones, video games, the Internet, social media […]

VDH Ultra
From an Angry Reader: Mr. Hanson, You seem intent on defining progressives as people who loathe Donald Trump, as clearly defined group who have a unified strategy of driving him out of office. The tactic of defining—and dismissing—all progressives with a broad brush is a convenient way to give Trump supporters a clearly defined […]

VDH Ultra
From an Angry Reader: Dr. Hanson, You will not like what I am about to say. It’s a good thing we’re 3,000 miles apart. Because if I saw you on the street, I’d … A threat? You decide. Daniel Weir Washington, DC dweir3@icloud.com Reply from Victor Davis Hanson: Dear Second-time Angry Reader Daniel Weir, And […]

Lord Ismay, NATO, and the Old-New World Order
by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review What has become of the prescient post-WWII dictum ‘Russians out, Americans in, Germans down’? The accomplished and insightful British general Hasting Ismay is remembered today largely because of his famous assessment of NATO, offered when he was the alliance’s first secretary general. The purpose of the new […]

VDH Ultra
From An Angry Reader: In your recent article you are off base, friend. Every day that passes proves Trump to be unfit in so many ways. I figure a Trump believer to be either embarrassingly uninformed or purely hypocritical, willing to push a conservative agenda regardless of flag bearer. No doubt you are the latter… […]

Freedom and Tyranny: The Meaning of Independence Day
A reflection amidst the barbecues and fireworks and the paeans to patriotism. By Bruce Thornton // Front Page Mag Bruce Thornton is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. The Fourth of July is not just another day off from work. Nor is it just the celebration of our country’s birth, the […]

The Progressive Boomerang
by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review Not only have progressives failed to take down the president, but they also haven’t offered an alternative agenda. The progressive strategy of investigating President Donald Trump nonstop for Russian collusion or obstruction of justice or witness tampering so far has produced no substantial evidence of wrongdoing. […]