GOP failed to fight Dem’s health-care scare tactics in midterms
Please read this piece by my colleague Paul Roderick Gregory in The Hill Exit polls showed that health care was the top factor in motivating voters in the 2018 election. Democrat candidates successfully stoked fears that the Republicans would end coverage of pre-existing conditions. Despite repeated assurances from President Trump that pre-existing conditions were safe, almost 60 percent of voters said they trusted the […]

Maybe We Could Use a Civic Hippocratic Oath
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness A mob of protesters associated with the radical left-wing group Antifa swarmed the private residence of Fox News host Tucker Carlson on the night of Nov. 7. They yelled, “Tucker Carlson, we will fight! We know where you sleep at night!” The mob’s apparent aim was to catch Carlson’s […]

The Present American Revolution
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review The revolution of 1776 sought to turn a colony of Great Britain into a new independent republic based on constitutionally protected freedom. It succeeded with the creation of the United States. The failed revolution of 1861, by a slave-owning South declaring its independence from the Union, sought to bifurcate […]

Progressive Politics Are Not Really Progressive
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Some progressives lamented the apparent defeat of radical progressive African-American candidates such as gubernatorial nominees Stacey Abrams of Georgia and Florida’s Andrew Gillum by blaming allegedly treasonous white women. Apparently white women did not vote sufficiently en bloc in accordance with approved notions of identity politics tribalism. According to this progressive orthodoxy, being […]

The 11th Hour of the 11th Day of the 11th Month—100 Years Ago
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness The First World War ended 100 years ago this month on November 11, 1918, at 11 a.m. Nearly 20 million people had perished since the war began on July 28, 1914. In early 1918, it looked as if the Central Powers—Austria-Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire—would win. Czarist […]

The Issues That Tore Us Apart
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Slavery was the issue that blew up America in 1861 and led to the Civil War. But for the 85 years between the nation’s founding and that war, it had seemed that somehow America could eventually phase out the horrific institution and do so largely peacefully. But by 1861, […]

CNN’s Existential War With Trump
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness It may be unwise or monotonous for President Trump to harp on CNN as a purveyor of “fake news.” And the constant refrain “enemy of the people” should not be used of a media outlet, even one as prejudicial as CNN. Yet Trump’s obsessions with CNN are largely reactive, […]

Angry Reader 11-02-2018
From An Angry Reader: Maybe if nazi apologists weren’t threatening to lock up their political enemies, or harassing them in their columns, we might see less polarization. Hi Victor, Nice to meet you. You wrote about me in March. Care to discuss? Or are you just up for the pot shots in your column? Melinda […]

When Laws Are Not Enforced, Anarchy Follows
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness What makes citizens obey the law is not always their sterling character. Instead, fear of punishment—the shame of arrest, fines or imprisonment—more often makes us comply with laws. Law enforcement is not just a way to deal with individual violators but also a way to remind society at large […]

The Electronic Committee of Public Safety
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Celebrities, politicians, and almost anyone of influence and wealth are always an incorrect or insensitive word away from the contemporary electronic guillotine. Regardless of the circumstances of their dilemmas, the beheaded rarely win sympathy from the mob. Coliseum-like roars of approval greet their abrupt change of fortune from their […]

Caravan Contradictions
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness A“caravan”—the euphemism for a current foot-army of more than 10,000 Central Americans—of would-be border crossers has now passed into Mexico. The marchers promise they will continue 1,000 miles and more northward to the U.S. border, despite warnings from President Trump that as unauthorized immigrants they will be turned away. […]

One Person can (In)validate the Steele Dossier and No One Seems to Bother
Please read this piece by my colleague Paul Roderick Gregory in Ricochet Christopher Steele deliberately constructed his Trump dossier to be unverifiable. As long as it remains invalidated, it hangs over the Trump administration, even though the Clinton campaign was identified as its funder and Steele refused to vouch for it under oath. Apparently he did not express such […]

New Online Course at Hillsdale College
I will be teaching a new online course on World War II at Hillsdale College. See the following tweet for more information. Purchase a copy of The Second World Wars here. We have a new course coming in December on World War II taught by Victor Davis Hanson. Get Dr. Hanson’s latest book today […]

‘Medicare for All’ is as scary as it gets
Please read this piece by my colleague Paul Roderick Gregory in The Hill There is no mystery as to what House Democrats want to do with American medical care. Their intentions are clearly spelled out in House Resolution 676, also known as the “Expanded & Improved Medicare for All Act.” Its sponsors promise to provide “comprehensive […]

Midterm Optics Are Bad for Progressives
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review For progressives, the looming midterm elections apparently should not hinge on a booming economy, a near-record-low unemployment rate, a strong stock market, and unprecedented energy production. Instead, progressives hope that race and gender questions overshadow pocketbook issues. The media are fixated on another caravan of foreign nationals flowing toward […]

The White-Privilege Tedium
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Why are current monotonous slogans like “white privilege” and “old white men” finally losing their currency? Who exactly is “white” in a multiracial, intermarried, and integrated society? How do we determine who is a purported victim of racial bias — relative degrees of nonwhite skin color, DNA badges, an ethnicized […]

Wolves in Wolves’ Clothing
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness If the New Democratic Party was smart, it would do what the old Democratic Party did long ago: always sound centrist if not conservative in the last weeks of a campaign, get elected, then revert to form and pursue a left-wing agenda for a year or two—and then repeat […]

Yes, Be Very Worried Over Growing Polarization
Victor Davis Hanson // Hoover Institution My Hoover Institution colleague Morris Fiorina has recently written that I am unduly pessimistic in my appraisals of a currently divided America. He cited two essays I wrote, one a Tribune Media Services syndicated column, the other a National Reviewonline essay. Both were published before the recent national hysteria over Judge Brett […]

US Strategy On China, Great Powers
Victor Davis Hanson // Hoover Institution The United States should use a strategy of power, alliances, and triangulation to best navigate the emerging world of “great power” rivalries, Hoover scholar Victor Davis Hanson says. The post-Cold War global order is in flux with the ascendency of an economically-driven China and its foreign policy of global hegemony, said Hanson in […]

A Reminder of What Binds Us
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review In these divisive times, one constant for all Americans has been the hallowed work of the American Battle Monuments Commission, the small and sometimes unheralded federal agency created in 1923 to establish, operate, and oversee foreign cemeteries of American war dead, largely from the First and Second World Wars, […]