Administrative Waste and the Right-Wing Arena

Join Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler at they discuss Article 88 in the Military Code of Conduct and General Hayden’s political statements, Biden’s energy slush fund, trade school and private university costs and needed reforms, understanding Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson, and a warning for Iran on aggression in this current war.

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4 thoughts on “Administrative Waste and the Right-Wing Arena”

  1. Victor I always look forward to your podcasts. In this particular episode you mentioned college endowments. You stated universities would change behavior if you taxed the earnings from the endowment. I believe there needs to be a 40% tax on the actual amount of the endowment. Harvard has a $50 billion endowment. Applying the 40% tax would bring the endowment down to $30 billion. Harvard could then offset dollar for dollar of the tax by repaying 100% of any alumni or current student’s outstanding student loans. The earnings should also be taxed and any future receipt of funding for the endowment would be taxed at 40%. The funding for these endowments is coming from individuals who are attempting to avoid estate taxes. The 40% is the tax rate applied to estates above the current exemption. I look forward to next week’s episodes.

  2. Hi victor, can you talk about today’s military leaders, and if we have any like Patton, thank you, I listen every night before I go to sleep to calm myself down from the crazy day

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