A Study in Contrasts: Trump Sanity, Left Insanity, and Losing Cred Fast

In this episode, Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler discuss the La Leche League and “chest-feeding,” transexuals not being a third sex, child-endangerment, Trump’s warrior board and university reform, and Whoop-tee-do Whoopi trying to take out a small family-owned bakery with false accusations.

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6 thoughts on “A Study in Contrasts: Trump Sanity, Left Insanity, and Losing Cred Fast”

  1. Sometimes Dr. Hanson confuses me. You speak to senior officers’ abilities to discern lawful orders, displaying your academic disdain by referring to jurisprudence as if they were presenting before the Supreme Court. Any flag officer better be able to discern the difference between lawful and unlawful orders. They control the means of violence and that is most of what they are paid to do. See Samuel P. Huntington’s “The Soldier and the State.”

    Vis-a-vis the Warrior Board, Secretary Hegseth needs to grab General Jack Keane and have him assemble it; starting with retired officers from all of the services and broad specialties. Then this group should generate the attributes to be covered and launch.

  2. I know there will be lots of comments on what freedom kids enjoyed back in the day.

    Here is mine.

    When I was five in 1958, I left our apartments in the new federal housing project in New Brunswick, N.J. and walked alone about eight blocks to Sacred Heart School for afternoon kindergarten. On the way, I bought and ate an apple for 5 cents at a little grocery store I passed.

  3. I’ve had my tractor adventures, like driving with my dog in my lap, steering with my knees, only to run thru the fence. This is all before OSHA, where sitting on the fender with one leg on the drawbar and one on the axle, chatting with a neighbor farm kid. OH the stories and experience. Looking back, it’s a wonder I survived. Being the first non farmer in my family in over 200 years in America, I’m extremely proud my upbringing and while at the time I didn’t see it, I am sure lucky I had the experience.

    ON behalf of farm kids everywhere, thank you for all you do and making Americans aware that we have a great country, and times we go astray, but always seem to bounce back stronger. THank God for Trump who will give us another chance.

    All the best to you and your family.
    Ron Spurgeon

  4. Professor Hanson,
    You are, by far, my favorite commentator. Not since Rush have I looked forward to each new podcast. Today you stirred some memories. I’m looking forward to your “diaries of a farm kid” book.
    Like you, I was raised on a family farm by a farmer. 160 acre homestead in the Middle of Indiana. I too recall adventures at the creek, catching crawdads and bullfrogs. Sometimes even killing a snake. Hate snakes. We’re the lucky ones, although we didn’t know it at the time. While my town friends went home after school to play basketball, or baseball, (and getting to stop by the pop machine infront of the hardware store) we rode the hour long bus home to do chores, then supper, then homework, and maybe if there was any time left a little TV before bed. Your comment on the immune system made me think perhaps years of cleaning out Pig pens, or pitching cow manure into the spreader or numerous cuts where you just washed it out, built up my immunity system. Or perhaps it just playing in the dirt. Who knows. We too had a Ford 8n, a Massey Harris 44 and an old Case DC. I have very little memory of NOT driving a tractor. Dad said if my leg was long enough to work the clutch, I was old enough to disk, plow, pull wagons from the field. (I wasn’t allowed to operate the culivator since I could easily wipe out half a corn or soybean field if i wasn’t paying attention) 🙂

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