War By Affirmative Action?

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness Why does Biden play Iranian poker with American and Israeli lives? Answer? He envisions war sort of like affirmative action, in which the less accomplished belligerent is allowed all sorts of concessions for the sake of equity. Israeli and American military capability, and particularly their missile defenses, are seen as […]

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VDH UltraFrom Rural to Surreal—Once Small Farming Became Latifundia: Part Eight

Victor Davis Hanson As one resident told me, when I asked what was going on in his compounds, “It’s like our home in Oaxaca, only better.” Once, the former Fox Nation reporter Lara Logan brought a film crew out here to film the illegal alien environs. She told me that she had found the entire environment quite

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VDH UltraFrom Rural to Surreal—Once Small Farming Became Latifundia: Part Seven

Victor Davis Hanson What explains the general breakdown in civilization and the law, in a region where once no one had a key to their front farmhouse door and children free-ranged at age six or seven among their fields and orchards? One reason, of course, is the open border. Millions have illegally entered the U.S.,

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VDH UltraFrom Rural to Surreal—Once Small Farming Became Latifundia: Part Six

Victor Davis Hanson 8. The Garbage Baggers. Sometimes the encounters are surreal to the point of being comedic, yet always instructional about the oddities of rural existence. And after all, one must retain a sense of humor amidst the 21st-century’s absurdities, and sometimes things just don’t add up. Last year I walked along the alleyway and

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Gaming The 2024 Campaign

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness We have seen enough of the Biden-Trump race so far to predict what lies ahead over the next seven months of the campaign. Currently, the polls are about dead even. Trump, however, for now enjoys small leads in the majority of the fickle swing/purple states that will likely decide the

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