Universities Breed Anger, Ignorance, and Ingratitude

Victor Davis Hanson // National Review What do widely diverse crises such as declining demography, increasing indebtedness, Generation Z’s indifference to religion and patriotism, static rates of home ownership, and a national epidemic of ignorance about American history and traditions all have in common? In a word, 21st-century higher education. A pernicious cycle begins even

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Why Do They Hate Him So?

Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Joe Biden claims he wants to take Trump behind the gym and beat him up. Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) jokes that she would like to go into an elevator with him and see Trump never come out alive. Robert De Niro has exhausted the ways in which he dreams

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Is America Becoming Sinicized?

Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Alittle over 40 years ago, Chinese Communist strongman and reformer Deng Xiaoping began 15 years of sweeping economic reforms. They were designed to end the disastrous, even murderous planned economy of Mao Zedong, who died in 1976. The results of Deng’s revolution astonished the world. In four decades, China

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Kurdish, Syrian, and Turkish Ironies

Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Outrage met Donald Trump’s supposedly rash decision to pull back U.S. troops from possible confrontational zones between our Kurdish friends in Syria and Recep Erdogan’s expeditionary forces. Turkey claims that it will punish the Syrian Kurds for a variety of supposed provocations, including aiding and abetting Kurdish terrorist separatists

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On the Whistleblower Kerfuffle, Imagine a Different Scenario

Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Imagine . . . If in early 2015, some White House staffers transcribing confidential presidential calls were disturbed about one conversation that President Obama had with Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif. The two allegedly had confidentially discussed the staggered release of some $1.7 billion in withheld U.S. dollars to Iran

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The Strategies of Targeting Trump

Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness There is no logical Democratic explanation for impeaching Donald Trump. The various factions within the Democratic Party calling for impeachment are united only by their loathing of Donald Trump, the person, and his systematic repeal of the Obama progressive project. After failing with the voting machine gambit, the Logan

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Anti-Trump Psychodrama 10.0?

Victor Davis Hanson // National Review What do the Kavanaugh hearings, Jussie Smollett, the Covington kids, the Mueller investigation, and now the Trump phone call all have in common? Staged melodrama, media collusion hysteria, progressive demands that justice be served immediately, promises of walls-are-closing-in blockbuster revelations from new witnesses, supposed surprise revelatory documents, fusions between

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