Bomb, Occupy, or Neither?

Blowing apart a problem for a while is different from ending it for good. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Wars usually end only when the defeated aggressor believes it would be futile to resume the conflict. Lasting peace follows if the loser is then forced to change its political system into something […]

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Iraq Was Then, Syria Is Now

Obama hasn’t a clue what he’s doing, but at least he isn’t George W. Bush. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online The Iraq War lies now mostly in the realm of myth. We have forgotten exactly how we got both into and out of the war. The October 2002 joint congressional authorization to

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The Moral Failures of Eric Holder

by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media Eric Holder’s left many baleful legacies: being censured by the House of Representatives; withholding subpoenaed documents, proving untruthful about a failed gun-walking caper in Mexico; failing to enforce laws on the books, from immigration to the elements of the Affordable Care Act; illegally billing the government for his

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Should We Hope to Die at 75?

Contra Ezekiel Emanuel, age is no absolute barometer for human vitality and dignity. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Normally, no one would care that in a recent Atlantic essay — “Why I Hope to Die at 75” — 57-year-old Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel argued that living to be 75 years old was long

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Confederacy of Dunces?

From the president on down, they are in resolute denial about radical Islam. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online The military effort against the Islamic State hinges on a successful threefold approach involving intelligence, homeland security, and diplomacy. Unfortunately, the Obama administration does not have much past history in these areas to warrant

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Versailles in California

Versailles or San Francisco, it’s good to be the king. by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media  California is run from a sort of Pacific Versailles [1], an isolated coastal compound of elite rulers physically cut off from its interior peasantry. To understand how California works — or rather does not work — drive over

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