Libyan Intelligence: Muslim Brotherhood, Morsi Involved in U.S. Consulate Attack

by Raymond Ibrahim RaymondIbrahim.com According to a Libyan intelligence document, the Muslim Brotherhood, including Egyptian President Morsi, were involved in the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, where several Americans, including U.S. ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, were killed. Share This

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The Glue Holding America Together

As it fragments into various camps, the country is being held together by a common popular culture. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online By a.d. 200, the Roman Republic was a distant memory. Few citizens of the global Roman Empire even knew of their illustrious ancestors like Scipio or Cicero. Millions no longer spoke Latin. Italian emperors were a

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Obama to Egyptian Christians: Don’t Protest the Brotherhood

by Raymond Ibrahim FrontPage Magazine As Egyptians of all factions prepare to demonstrate  in mass against the Muslim Brotherhood and President Morsi’s rule on June 30, the latter has been trying to reduce their numbers, which some predict will be in the millions and eclipse the Tahrir protests that earlier ousted Mubarak. Share This

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Immigration: If the Bill Passes

Both Obama’s record and the results of past immigration “reforms” paint a bleak picture. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online There are lots of reasons to believe that most of what is promised in the current so-called comprehensive immigration-reform bill won’t be honored if it is passed by the full Congress and signed by

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Lies Subvert Demovracy

Obama and his team have subverted the government they pledged to serve. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Truth is the lifeblood of democracy. Without honesty, the foundations of consensual government crumble. Share This

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