When Administrations Implode

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

Administration meltdowns are hardly novel. In almost every presidency there comes a moment when sheer chaos, whether self-induced or the result of an outside crisis, takes hold. Continue reading “When Administrations Implode”

‘Exceptional’ America

by Victor Davis Hanson

Defining Ideas

Accepting inevitable national decline is the new pastime of both the media and government elite. Some of the pessimism revolves around current federal financial insolvency. Continue reading “‘Exceptional’ America”

Obama’s Assault on America’s Prestige

by Bruce S. Thornton

FrontPage Magazine

In 1868, a British army led by Sir Robert Napier sailed from India to Abyssinia (Ethiopia) to rescue several English and European hostages from the mentally unstable, sadistic King Theodore. Continue reading “Obama’s Assault on America’s Prestige”

A Post-American World?

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

In a scathing denunciation of Mitt Romney last week, Fareed Zakaria praised Barack Obama for his nuanced understanding of what Zakaria has called the “Post-American World”: Continue reading “A Post-American World?”

Defense Spending Is a ‘Shovel Ready’ Investment

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

President Obama has just ordered massive cutbacks in defense spending, eventually to total some $500 billion. There is plenty of fat in a Pentagon budget that grew after 9/11, but such slashing goes way too far. Continue reading “Defense Spending Is a ‘Shovel Ready’ Investment”

Obama’s Christmas Gift to Iran

by Bruce S. Thornton

FrontPage Magazine

As the last American troops roll south to Kuwait, the end of the war in Iraq invites unsettling comparisons to another war America declared over before losing its nerve and snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Continue reading “Obama’s Christmas Gift to Iran”

What America Does Best

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

We are in a fresh round of declinism — understandably, after borrowing nearly $5 trillion in less than three years and having very little to show for it. Continue reading “What America Does Best”

Strangers in a Familiar Land

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

High-Speed Rail?

California sits in a time warp. Despite tax hikes that make our roughly 10% income tax and 10% sales tax among the highest in the nation, there is little to show for it during the last forty years. Continue reading “Strangers in a Familiar Land”

A Tottering Technocracy

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

We are witnessing a widespread crisis of faith in our progressive guardians of the last 30 years. Continue reading “A Tottering Technocracy”

Back to the Pre-American World

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

Is America’s preeminent world role over?

That’s what a recent New Yorker essay, based on interviews with presidential advisers, claimed. It characterized the new Obama foreign-relations style as “leading from behind” — given the supposed inevitable American decline and growing unpopularity. Continue reading “Back to the Pre-American World”