Trump Seeks Drug Testing and AOC “Baby-Girl” Colleagues

Join Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc to examine drug testing before a debate, Congressional “baby girl” culture, Diddy damages, Newsom’s charade, and is DEI culture dying.

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13 thoughts on “Trump Seeks Drug Testing and AOC "Baby-Girl" Colleagues”

  1. William Terry

    Dr. Hanson – Drug testing for the presidential debate.
    It is difficult to know which of many stimulant medication‘s that President Biden may be ingesting without a urine test, blood test or hair sampling. If he is taking Dextroamphamine, the drug will stay in the system anywhere from initial ingestion 2 to 3 days afterwards. The frightening part of this “drugging“ of the president is being able to predict side effects. Individuals who have a familial tendency towards bipolar disorder may become psychotic or if they have anxiety and panic disorders incapacitated by anxiety. these medications cause rapid heartbeat, which may be manifested by extreme dizziness or even a heart attack. whoever is prescribing these medications Is not only putting the president at risk, but also also the nation. it is interesting that his sons drug of choice was either cocaine or amphetamine type compounds.

  2. I truly enjoy your podcasts. I am rereading Edward Gibbon, and the comparison between the Roman and US societies is unfortunately telling, save the Roman empire will I am sure prove to be a much longer lived history. I would really enjoy hearing a few of your thoughts on the matter.

  3. Craig Jenkins

    Yes, I agree. Sami has a very soothing voice compared to that of Jack who’s borderline out of control at times, much to our delight! They’re the perfect counterpoint for Victor to hold court, himself of equal dosage.

    1. Marge Desiderio

      I too like Sami but I was ready to go full bore to defend Jack (my man) until I read the rest of your comment. I like his humor and his sense of concern about what is happening to our country. Needles to say Victor is aces.

      1. HI Marge, I have commented several times that I don’t like the “incessant yak” from Jack. I listen to hear the sage commentary from VDH, I don’t want or need so much from Jack.

        By the way, I don’t have a similar complaint about Sami…

    2. Marge Desiderio

      I tried to post a comment earlier but it disappeared into the nether world. What I was trying to say that I too enjoy Sami but when I saw what you were saying about Jack (my man) I was ready to go full bore till I read the rest of your comment about him. I enjoy his humor and his sense of caring about the horrible state this country is in. Also Victor is aces.

  4. Hello!
    Big fan of your podcast and listen often. Just wondering though if you are a supporter of Article V, Convention of the States? And either way what are your thoughts on the current calling that is sitting at 19 states ratified, 15 to go.
    Love to hear your views on this topic!

  5. Michael Dulick

    I love your podcast , your books, articles, appearances on TV, etc.! May I offer one clarification: a couple months ago, you were talking about Easter. Easter is celebrated on the FIRST Sunday after the FIRST full Moon of Spring. Usually very near Passover, celebrated ON the first full Moon of spring. (Except this year when the Jewish calendar “leaped” Passover to the SECOND full Moon.) Also, you should look at studies of the Shroud of Turin, Jesus’ burial cloth, controversial, but recently authenticated a hundred different ways. Best information comes from my personal friend Fr, Robert Spitzer. Google! Thank you for your kind attention! Sincerely, Michael D.

  6. Enjoy your show, especially how well grounded it is in history. However, there is a little too much “California” in the topics. Yes, you discuss New York, Chicago, Atlanta because of Trump, but there is little comment on what is happening in the rest of the 50 states. Hell, Canada gets more attention that the 50 states!
    Maybe an analysis of the actions of Texas governor Greg Abbott…or an interview?
    How about an analysis of what’s happening to our smaller farms across America?
    Let’s hear about some State Colleges/Universities, what they are known for and how they are succeeding?
    I’d like to hear your views on NASA. Why we NEED to go to Mars. (I could write a book on why Mars is a waste of time, money and, soon to be, lives.) What is their real long term goal? What should it be? What’s happening with the Space Force?
    Talk about the confluence of AI and Quantum computing. Our lives will never be the same. Does it compare to anything in history? Get an expert if needed.
    How dependent is the US really on the goods of other nations?
    We are already at war! A hundred thousand of our youth being killed from fentanyl each year. Cyber attacks on hospitals, water sources, power plants, other essential industries. 300,000 Chinese devoted to seeking successful cyber attacks on the US. This IS war !!
    How other countries leverage their attacks on America based on our laws that protect “residents” and not just “citizens.”

    I could go on. Thanks.

    BS, LSU; MS, MIT

  7. I’m glad you’re going after the Jacobins almost on a daily basis. There is only 1 hope for America, & that’s Donald Trump, & those who are not part of the solution (in defeating FJB) are part of the problem. Congratulation on your new book’s high ratings. I have read several of your books over the years & have been a follower of yours around the time you were on Hugh Hewitt’s 2012 Memorial Day show giving a long talk on the history of war. I never miss your podcasts & consider you to be, as Dennis Prager contends, one of the smartest men in the world.

  8. Hamish Banish

    In the debates, the “moderators” will help Biden complete his points and run interference to silence Trump making his points.

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