Liberals and Their Uppity Enemies

by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media 

Why do liberals hate Sarah Palin? She has made far fewer gaffes than has Joe

Gage Skidmore via Flickr
Gage Skidmore via Flickr

Biden, whose verbal mishaps have often been racist in nature. Is dropping your g’s worse than saying “corpse-men“? She does not believe that Canadians speak Canadian in the way the president thinks Austrians speak Austrian. Her life story is inspirational — working mom, without inherited privilege or capital, a successful pre-2008 tenure as an Alaska politician.

I think the animus — as opposed to just disagreement with her views — derives in part from the fact that she is vivacious and attractive in a fresh Sally Field sort of way, unlike the cheek-boned refinement of an Audrey Hepburn or Jackie Onassis. Or is it because her diction, syntax, and grammar (especially the use of the passive voice) resonate slightly lower middle-class America? She is what white grandees with real white privilege castigate as a beneficiary of white privilege that she never really had. Continue reading “Liberals and Their Uppity Enemies”

The Real Point of the Left’s Uproar over Limbaugh

by Bruce S. Thornton

Frontpage Magazine

Rush Limbaugh has got the progressives pitching a fit over some remarks on his radio show about a Georgetown University law student named Sandra Fluke. Fluke had made the preposterous claim, while addressing House Democrats over President Obama’s rule forcing Catholic institutions to pay for contraception, that the cost of birth control was prohibitive for Georgetown law students. Continue reading “The Real Point of the Left’s Uproar over Limbaugh”

The Bloomberg Syndrome

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

After the recent Tucson, Ariz., shootings, Pima County Sheriff Clarence W. Dupnik, a Democrat, almost immediately and without evidence claimed that conservative anti-government speech had set off alleged killer Jared Lee Loughner. Continue reading “The Bloomberg Syndrome”