Destroying Churches, One at a Time: Muslim Brotherhood Wants “No More Churches”

by Raymond Ibrahim

Hudson New York

What clearer sign that Egypt is turning rabidly Islamist than the fact that hardly a week goes by without a church being destroyed, or without protesting Christians being attacked and slaughtered by the military? Continue reading “Destroying Churches, One at a Time: Muslim Brotherhood Wants “No More Churches””

Ten Years of Lessons Unlearned

by Bruce S. Thornton

FrontPage Magazine

Ten years after 9/11 many politicians and pundits continue to misinterpret Islamic jihadism. Continue reading “Ten Years of Lessons Unlearned”

The Middle East Mess

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

Libya, Iraq, Syria, Iran, and the All the Same Old, Same Old Mess

Each country in the Middle East poses unique challenges. That said, gender apartheid, religious intolerance, tribalism, dictatorship, statism, and lack of transparency and free expression are widely shared in the region, and mean that any particular policy will almost immediately collide with some two millennia of habit and custom antithetical and often hostile to the values of the West. Continue reading “The Middle East Mess”

Liberating Libya for Jihadists

by Bruce S. Thornton

FrontPage Magazine

The fall of Muammar Gaddafi is making some in the West giddy with the usual “Arab Spring” wishful visions of democracy and freedom flourishing throughout the Muslim Middle East, even as the last binge of democratic intoxication, the fall of Egyptian strongman Hosni Mubarak, has left the hangover of a newly empowered Muslim Brotherhood, increasing assaults on Christian Copts, growing anti-Americanism, and terrorist attacks on Israel originating in Egypt and including Egyptian citizens among the attackers. Continue reading “Liberating Libya for Jihadists”

Taking Our Eye Off the Jihadist Ball

by Bruce S. Thornton

FrontPage Magazine

Given our economic doldrums and the still metastasizing debt, the legislation raising the debt ceiling won’t keep the economy from dominating the nation’s attention until next year’s election. Continue reading “Taking Our Eye Off the Jihadist Ball”

Muslim Brotherhood’s Method: “Impose Islam…Step by Step”

by Raymond Ibrahim

Hudson New York

Things are looking good for Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, the grandfather of all Islamist groups. Continue reading “Muslim Brotherhood’s Method: “Impose Islam…Step by Step””

Al Qaeda’s Zawahiri, Bigger Threat Than Osama?

by Raymond Ibrahim


Now that Ayman Zawahiri has assumed leadership of al Qaeda, it is important to end the widespread perception that he is a dour intellectual who is disconnected from young, would-be jihadists. Continue reading “Al Qaeda’s Zawahiri, Bigger Threat Than Osama?”

Obama’s Illiberal Foreign Policy

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

The incoming hope-and-change Obama administration advanced the narrative that at home and abroad it cared far more for people than profits. Continue reading “Obama’s Illiberal Foreign Policy”

An Honest Obama Campaign

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

Given what we know now, I think Obama’s summer-2008 campaign speeches should have sounded something like this: Continue reading “An Honest Obama Campaign”

Bin Laden and the Eternal Hydra of War

by Raymond Ibrahim

Hudson New York

As we ponder the significance of Osama bin Laden’s death, it is well to reflect that Islamists are not the cause of hostilities; they are but symptoms of a much greater cause. Continue reading “Bin Laden and the Eternal Hydra of War”