The State Department’s Skewed Standards

by Raymond Ibrahim

Jihad Watch

Earlier this month in the West Bank, “settlers attempted to burn two mosques, and vandalized an IDF base as part of the latest ‘price tag’ attacks. Continue reading “The State Department’s Skewed Standards”

The Politics of Liberals Bashing Obama

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

Progressive Angst

This week the president’s positive ratings are hovering around 40-42%; in some polls there is a 10% gap or more between negative and positive appraisals. I expect that they will go back up, and then even lower as the year wears on. Continue reading “The Politics of Liberals Bashing Obama”

The American Soviet

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

The security forces of Bashar Assad — a thug whom Hillary Clinton deemed a “reformer,” and with whom Barack Obama was determined to restore diplomatic relations — are slaughtering hundreds in the streets of Syria’s major cities. I know that the Turkish government will express no outrage. Continue reading “The American Soviet”

A Middle East Policy in Shambles

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

Almost every promise, almost every reset proclamation from Barack Obama about the struggles against, and those within, the radical Muslim world has either been withdrawn or proven bankrupt. Continue reading “A Middle East Policy in Shambles”

Cario Ironies: Same Cast of American Characters, Different Play

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

The United States’ public position on Egypt is “flexible.” That in and of itself is not surprising, given the ambiguities surrounding the Cairo uprising. Continue reading “Cario Ironies: Same Cast of American Characters, Different Play”

Civility for Thee

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

An evil psychopath, Jared Lee Loughner — a man with no discernible ideology or political affiliation, and declared by those who know him to be both unhinged and unacquainted with contemporary media — shot a US congresswoman, murdered a federal judge, and killed five other innocent people, while wounding several more. Continue reading “Civility for Thee”