Grand Mufti Distorts Word ‘Infidel’ to Dupe Infidels

by Raymond Ibrahim

PJ Media

Soon after reporting that Egypt’s Grand Mufti, Sheikh Ali Gomaa, had pronounced all Christians “infidels,” I received several emails forwarding what looked like a response from Gomaa. Some websites — such as the ever-hysterical “American Muslim” — published it, providing the following additional information: Continue reading “Grand Mufti Distorts Word ‘Infidel’ to Dupe Infidels”

The Arab Winter Approaches

by Bruce S. Thornton

Defining Ideas

The revolutions against Arab autocracies — dubbed the “Arab Spring” — have been greeted in America with bipartisan celebration. Continue reading “The Arab Winter Approaches”

In the Jaws of Sharia: The Liberal and the Temptress

by Raymond Ibrahim

Private Papers

Editor’s Note: These postings were taken from Jihad Watch and Pajamas Media, internet journals in which the author posts frequently. Ibrahim’s observations below remind us of the depths of Dante’s Inferno where the three-headed devil masticates the worst criminals of Dante’s imagination: Brutus and Cassius are second only to Judas. Among Muslims, second only to Christians are women and secularists. 

Muslim Brotherhood: Only “Drunks, Druggies and Adulterers” Reject Sharia

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood just made a few assertions that have ruffled the nation’s secular and Christian populace. Continue reading “In the Jaws of Sharia: The Liberal and the Temptress”

Islam’s Predictability: Apostasy, Execution, and Lies

by Raymond Ibrahim

Jihad Watch

As one ponders the fate of Yousef Nadarkhani, the Iranian pastor on death row for refusing to renounce Christianity, it is well to reflect that, for all the talk that Islam is perpetually “misunderstood,” it is actually immensely predictable and consistent; not only do its patterns cross time and space, but their manifestations are often identical. Continue reading “Islam’s Predictability: Apostasy, Execution, and Lies”

Muslim Prayers of Hate

by Raymond Ibrahim

PJ Media

Someone recently sent me an Arabic video that juxtaposes snippets of sermons delivered by Christian and Muslim leaders in the Middle East. Continue reading “Muslim Prayers of Hate”

Top Muslim Declares All Christians ‘Infidels’

by Raymond Ibrahim

PJ Media

To what extent was Egypt’s Maspero massacre, wherein the military literally mowed down Christian Copts protesting the ongoing destruction of their churches, a product of anti-Christian sentiment? Continue reading “Top Muslim Declares All Christians ‘Infidels’”

Destroying Churches, One at a Time: Muslim Brotherhood Wants “No More Churches”

by Raymond Ibrahim

Hudson New York

What clearer sign that Egypt is turning rabidly Islamist than the fact that hardly a week goes by without a church being destroyed, or without protesting Christians being attacked and slaughtered by the military? Continue reading “Destroying Churches, One at a Time: Muslim Brotherhood Wants “No More Churches””

The Egyptian Military’s Crimes Against Humanity

by Raymond Ibrahim

Hudson New York

Sunday, the Egyptian military opened fire on thousands of Christiansprotesting in Maspero, Cairo. Continue reading “The Egyptian Military’s Crimes Against Humanity”

Islam’s Uninterrupted History of Forced Conversions

by Raymond Ibrahim

PJ Media

Finding and connecting similar patterns of behavior throughout Islamic history is one of the most objective ways of determining whether something is or is not part of Muslim civilization. Continue reading “Islam’s Uninterrupted History of Forced Conversions”

Running for Their Lives

by Raymond Ibrahim

Jihad Watch

Historically, non-Muslims whose lands were seized by the jihad had three choices: conversion, dhimmitude, or death. Continue reading “Running for Their Lives”