Imprecise Language Breeds Dangerous Policy

by Bruce S. Thornton

Advancing a Free Society

In his classic essay “Politics and the English Language,” George Orwell identified a “lack of precision” as the besetting sin of politicized writing, either through incompetence or indifference as to whether “words mean anything or not.” Continue reading “Imprecise Language Breeds Dangerous Policy”

The First-Person Presidency

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

Here are a few excerpts from President Obama’s speech on Sunday night about the killing of Osama bin Laden. Continue reading “The First-Person Presidency”

Amnesty Revisited

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

I was disappointed by the president’s tone more than the specifics of his proposals. Once again, he proves true to character: politicizing the issue, citing straw men, and then accusing those with whom he disagrees of political demagoguery. Continue reading “Amnesty Revisited”

Thoughts on a Surreal Depression

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

Here in Fresno County, in the heart of California’s San Joaquin Valley, the official unemployment rate in February to March ranged between 18.1 and 18.8 percent. Continue reading “Thoughts on a Surreal Depression”

Rules for Killing Rogues

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

The welcome end of Osama bin Laden at the hands of helicopter-borne American military commandos raises a number of issues. Continue reading “Rules for Killing Rogues”

OK, Let’s Decline

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

“Leading From Behind”

A recent report in The New Yorker suggested that the Obama’s administration’s weird sort of/sort of not foreign policy is now gleefully self-described as “leading from behind.” Continue reading “OK, Let’s Decline”

Mission Lost

by Bruce S. Thornton

City Journal

“We offer unlimited opportunities to help students achieve their goals,”declares the California State University system on its homepage. Continue reading “Mission Lost”

Bin Laden Is Dead, But Our Delusions Live On

by Bruce S. Thornton

Advancing a Free Society

The death of Osama bin Laden has some symbolic value, particularly for the United States. A great power exercises influence not just through its military and economic assets, but through its prestige. Continue reading “Bin Laden Is Dead, But Our Delusions Live On”

Bin Laden Fallout

by Victor Davis Hanson

NRO’s The Corner

I think there will be repercussions from the hit, and most of them will turn out to be good in terms of the War on Terror. Continue reading “Bin Laden Fallout”

The American Soviet

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

The security forces of Bashar Assad — a thug whom Hillary Clinton deemed a “reformer,” and with whom Barack Obama was determined to restore diplomatic relations — are slaughtering hundreds in the streets of Syria’s major cities. I know that the Turkish government will express no outrage. Continue reading “The American Soviet”