A Post-American World?

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

In a scathing denunciation of Mitt Romney last week, Fareed Zakaria praised Barack Obama for his nuanced understanding of what Zakaria has called the “Post-American World”: Continue reading “A Post-American World?”

The Politics of Liberals Bashing Obama

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

Progressive Angst

This week the president’s positive ratings are hovering around 40-42%; in some polls there is a 10% gap or more between negative and positive appraisals. I expect that they will go back up, and then even lower as the year wears on. Continue reading “The Politics of Liberals Bashing Obama”

Back to the Pre-American World

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

Is America’s preeminent world role over?

That’s what a recent New Yorker essay, based on interviews with presidential advisers, claimed. It characterized the new Obama foreign-relations style as “leading from behind” — given the supposed inevitable American decline and growing unpopularity. Continue reading “Back to the Pre-American World”