Eating America’s Seed Corn

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

As gas prices climb back toward $4 a gallon, the Obama administration — facing a tough re-election campaign and rising Middle East tensions — is once again considering tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. For years, administrations have bought and stored oil for emergencies, in fear of a cutoff of imported oil, as happened during the Arab embargo of 1973-74. Continue reading “Eating America’s Seed Corn”

There Is No California

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

Driving across California is like going from Mississippi to Massachusetts without ever crossing a state line. Continue reading “There Is No California”

More A Decline of the Spirit?

by Victor Davis Hanson

There are lots of ways to lament America’s current financial and cultural dilemmas. Continue reading “More A Decline of the Spirit?”

The Muddle East

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

No one has any idea what the Middle East will look like next year, much less in five years — especially the revolutionary players themselves. Continue reading “The Muddle East”

The World Is Changing Minute by Minute

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

We are witnessing a seismic shift in global affairs. The shake-up is a perfect storm of political, demographic, and technological change that will soon make the world as we have known it for the last 30 years almost unrecognizable. Continue reading “The World Is Changing Minute by Minute”

Tuning Out a President

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

Tuned-out Presidents

Somewhere around early 2006, the nation tuned out George W. Bush for a variety of reasons, some warranted, but many not. Continue reading “Tuning Out a President”

The Obama Foreign Policy

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

The 2012 election will hinge on the economy, not on US foreign policy, unless there is a major overseas crisis — an Israeli attack on Iran, an Iranian detonation of a nuclear weapon, a Middle East war, a North Korean attack, or something of that sort. Continue reading “The Obama Foreign Policy”

Obama’s ‘They’-Did-It Campaign

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

The next five months should be interesting — given that Barack Obama is now experiencing something entirely unique in his heretofore stellar career: widespread criticism of his performance and increasing weariness with his boilerplate and his teleprompted eloquence. Continue reading “Obama’s ‘They’-Did-It Campaign”

From Hope and Change to Fear ad Smear

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

Barack Obama lately has been accusing presumptive rival Mitt Romney of not waging his campaign in the nice (but losing) manner of John McCain in 2008. But a more marked difference can be seen in Obama himself, whose style and record bear no resemblance to his glory days of four years ago. Continue reading “From Hope and Change to Fear ad Smear”

Secretaries Gone Wild

by Victor Davis Hanson

NRO’s The Corner

We’ve had some unusual cabinet secretaries in past administrations — Earl Butz, John Mitchell, and James Watt come to mind — but never anything quite like the present bunch. Continue reading “Secretaries Gone Wild”