Dumbing Democracy Down

by Bruce S. Thornton

Advancing a Free Society

Many in the west are interpreting the demonstrations in Egypt against Hosni Mubarak as populist expressions of “aspirations for a democratic future,” as a spokesman for British Prime Minister David Cameron put it. Continue reading “Dumbing Democracy Down”

Obama’s 1979

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

Obama’s deer-in-the-headlights, finger-to-the-wind, “I can’t believe this is happening to me” initial reaction to the Mubarak implosion has eerie precedents. Continue reading “Obama’s 1979”

Victor and the Savior Generals

by Victor Davis Hanson

Defining Ideas

What factors decide wars? Luck? Fervent ideology? Preponderance of material resources? Or is advantage achieved by superior manpower and morale? In modern times, is victory found largely in lethal cutting-edge technology?  Continue reading “Victor and the Savior Generals”

The Destiny of Cities

by Victor Davis Hanson

City Journal (Autumn 2010)

As the world steadily grows more urbanized, with 50 percent of its population no longer rural, it is more important than ever to ask how cities either perish or manage to survive. Continue reading “The Destiny of Cities”

The American 21st Century

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

The current debt, recession, wars, and political infighting have depressed Americans into thinking their country soon will be overtaken by more vigorous rivals abroad. Yet this is an American fear as old as it is improbable. Continue reading “The American 21st Century”