Is an Egyptian “Democracy” a Good Thing?

by Raymond Ibrahim

Hudson New York

That democracy equates freedom is axiomatic in the West. Say the word “democracy” and images of a free, pluralistic, and secular society come to mind. Continue reading “Is an Egyptian “Democracy” a Good Thing?”

Show the World?

Exactly what will the people of the Middle East do?

by Victor Davis Hanson

NRO’s The Corner

By summertime, we will begin to see a new clarity in the Middle East. The old narratives — that American support for authoritarians undermined democratic awakenings; that Iraq was a catastrophe; that we need to reach out to totalitarian regimes like Iran, Libya, and Syria to ensure peace; that Israel continues to impede the future of the region — will, with the new unrest, be proven valid or invalid in a way impossible to imagine just a few weeks ago. Continue reading “Show the World?”

A New America in a New World Order

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

The year is quite young, and yet it has already seen a multitude of disturbing events and trends — unrest in Cairo and North Africa; nuclearization in Iran; a growing anti-American alliance among Turkey, Hezbollah, Iran, and Syria; the expansionary designs of a newly unabashed China with attendant repercussions on Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan; Continue reading “A New America in a New World Order”

Can American Values Radicalize Muslims?

by Raymond Ibrahim

PJ Media

Recent comments by US officials on the threat posed by “radicalized” American Muslims are troubling, both for their domestic and international implications. Attorney General Eric Holder states that “the threat has changed … to worrying about people in the United States, American citizens — raised here, born here, and who for whatever reason, have decided that they are going to become radicalized and take up arms against the nation in which they were born.” Continue reading “Can American Values Radicalize Muslims?”

Dumbing Democracy Down

by Bruce S. Thornton

Advancing a Free Society

Many in the west are interpreting the demonstrations in Egypt against Hosni Mubarak as populist expressions of “aspirations for a democratic future,” as a spokesman for British Prime Minister David Cameron put it. Continue reading “Dumbing Democracy Down”

The Middle East and the Multicultural Nightmare

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

Obama’s Multiculturalism vs. Bush’s Freedom

Let us be honest. Most of George Bush’s admirable support — as voiced in his 2005 inaugural address — for freedom abroad was de facto abandoned by 2006-7. Condoleeza Rice had championed Egyptian dissidents, but within a year that advocacy was dropped and we were back to the Mubarak paradigm as usual. Continue reading “The Middle East and the Multicultural Nightmare”

Bewitched Animals and the Muslims Media

by Raymond Ibrahim

Hudson New York

Conspiracy theories emanating from the Muslim world are nothing new — a decade ago, Israel was accused of perpetrating the strikes of 9/11, today it is accused of perpetrating the bombings of a Coptic church — they tend to be dismissed in the West. Continue reading “Bewitched Animals and the Muslims Media”