Al Qaeda’s Zawahiri, Bigger Threat Than Osama?

by Raymond Ibrahim


Now that Ayman Zawahiri has assumed leadership of al Qaeda, it is important to end the widespread perception that he is a dour intellectual who is disconnected from young, would-be jihadists. Continue reading “Al Qaeda’s Zawahiri, Bigger Threat Than Osama?”

Bin Laden and the Eternal Hydra of War

by Raymond Ibrahim

Hudson New York

As we ponder the significance of Osama bin Laden’s death, it is well to reflect that Islamists are not the cause of hostilities; they are but symptoms of a much greater cause. Continue reading “Bin Laden and the Eternal Hydra of War”

Was Osama Bin Laden the Chicken or the Egg?

by Raymond Ibrahim

PJ Media

To posit the significance of Osama bin Laden’s demise, we must first decide which came first — the chicken or the egg? Continue reading “Was Osama Bin Laden the Chicken or the Egg?”

Tough Times for Radical Islam

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

Osama bin Laden is dead. The Middle East is in chaos. And radical Islam is floundering Continue reading “Tough Times for Radical Islam”

The Dangers of Democracy

by Bruce S. Thornton

FrontPage Magazine

The parliamentary elections that have begun in Egypt will impress only the most starry-eyed of democracy champions. Continue reading “The Dangers of Democracy”