Liberal Frankensteins

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

This Fourth of July, what remains is the Founders’ vision of a limited government; the idea of a population united by common values, themes, and ideas; a republican form of checks-and-balances government to prevent demagoguery, factions, and tyranny of the majority; the sanctity and autonomy of the nation-state; and individual freedom and liberty as protected through the Bill of Rights. Everything after and against that has proved a failure. Continue reading “Liberal Frankensteins”

An Honest Obama Campaign

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

Given what we know now, I think Obama’s summer-2008 campaign speeches should have sounded something like this: Continue reading “An Honest Obama Campaign”

America Through the Looking Glass

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

President Obama yesterday praised Brazil for its new offshore oil industry and said he wants to buy as much oil as possible in this new win-win partnership — although we have piled up $5 trillion in new debt, curtailed new petroleum exploration off shore and in the West, as well as kept Alaska off-limits. Continue reading “America Through the Looking Glass”

The Tab Comes Due in 2011

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and both the elder and younger George Bush all found the third and fourth years of their presidencies harder than the first and second. The nation and the world tired of speechmaking. The novelty of a new commander in chief faded; poll numbers went south. The same thing is now happening to President Obama on a variety of fronts. Continue reading “The Tab Comes Due in 2011”

Making It Up As We Go Along

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

Being There

Gone is Bush the great Constitution-shredder. Tribunals, renditions, Predators, wiretaps, Iraq, Guantanamo, preventative detention — these are now either embraced or expanded. Iraq (“the surge is not working”) is Obama’s “greatest achievement.” Continue reading “Making It Up As We Go Along”