The Second Oil Revolution

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

The world was reinvented in the 1970s by soaring oil prices and massive transfers of national wealth. It could be again if the price of petroleum crashes — a real possibility given the amazing estimates about the new gas and oil reserves on the North American continent. Continue reading “The Second Oil Revolution”

Faith-Based Energy Policy

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

When the summer driving season starts soon, and tension heats up over Iran, gas may reach $5 a gallon. Nothing bothers voters more than paying an extra $20 or $30 every time they fill up. Continue reading “Faith-Based Energy Policy”

Welcome to the California Outback

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

The Attractions of the California Outback

There are drawbacks to living in the country in general, and never more so now in rural California in particular. Continue reading “Welcome to the California Outback”

Liberal Illiberalism: The Liberal Assault on Liberalism

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

Conservatives are put into awkward positions of critiquing liberal ideas on grounds that they are impractical, unworkable, or counterproductive. Yet rarely, at least outside the religious sphere, do they identify the progressive as often immoral [1]. Continue reading “Liberal Illiberalism: The Liberal Assault on Liberalism”

A Gasoline Nightmare

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

Obama is barnstorming the west — blasting oil companies, trying to convince voters that he supports an “all of the above” policy, and reminding them that drilling has increased since his tenure. But that won’t work for five reasons. Continue reading “A Gasoline Nightmare”

The Gaseous Policies of Barack Obama

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

“They” Did It (Again)!

There are no “oil men” in the White House. So the Obamites cannot, as in the past, blame Halliburton, BP, or Exxon for rigging gas prices out of the Oval Office. Continue reading “The Gaseous Policies of Barack Obama”

What We Do Not Want to Hear Anymore

by Victor Davis Hanson

Pj Media


The State of the Union could have been written [1] by a computer program. Continue reading “What We Do Not Want to Hear Anymore”

“Nature Fakery”

by Bruce S. Thornton

Defining Ideas

At the turn of the twentieth century, President Theodore Roosevelt became embroiled in a public controversy over how some writers and naturalists described the natural world in overly anthropomorphic and sentimental terms. Continue reading ““Nature Fakery””

What We Do Not Want to Hear Anymore

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media


The State of the Union could have been written [1] by a computer program. All the now familiar Obama furniture was in the room: the mock outrage at “them,” the psychodramatic first-person boasting (as in, “I will oppose..,” “I will not work with…,” “I will decline…,” “I will not stand by …,” I will not cede…,” “I will not walk away…,” “I will not back down…,” “I will not go back…”); the now customary rear-view-mirror jab at his fading predecessor; the monotonous promising that something is so bad that we must have a new program for it (each year the same threat, the same solution, the same failure); and the silence about the Obama legacy of stimulus, debt, and ObamaCare. Continue reading “What We Do Not Want to Hear Anymore”

South Carolina Debate: A Perfect Distraction

by Victor Davis Hanson

NRO’s The Corner

The Race Going into South Carolina

The primary race that has just started and should still be wide open is already supposedly almost over — but still isn’t quite. Continue reading “South Carolina Debate: A Perfect Distraction”