Where Does Republican Foreign Policy Go From Here?

by Bruce S. Thornton


The GOP’s continuing analysis of last November’s debacle has now sparked a debate about foreign policy. Continue reading “Where Does Republican Foreign Policy Go From Here?”

The Powell Tragedy

by Victor Davis Hanson

NRO’s The Corner

Like many, I was confused not by General Colin Powell’s endorsements of Barack Obama, but rather his recent remarks alleging Republican extremism and racism. His barrage was internally inconsistent and ultimately made little sense at all. Such unfounded charges are out of character with his distinguished record and career. Continue reading “The Powell Tragedy”

Conservative Populism

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

The conservative failure in 2012 was not an inability to appeal to hyphenated groups on the basis of ethnic, gender, and age identification. Instead, there was a general cluelessness about how to reach the middle and working classes of all races and ethnicities by explaining how conservative principles are not just for the rich. Continue reading “Conservative Populism”