Foreign Policy as Wishful Thinking

by Bruce S. Thornton

Advancing a Free Society

The current military intervention in Libya by the West has been marketed with the claim that its purpose, as French President Sarkozy put it, is “to protect the civilian population from the murderous madness of a regime that has forfeited all claim to legitimacy.” Behind this humanitarian idealism, however, lurk a host of questions and dangers, reflecting wishful thinking rather than a prudent foreign policy. Continue reading “Foreign Policy as Wishful Thinking”

Should We Intervene in Libya?

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

There are plenty of good arguments for imposing a no-fly zone in Libya. Without Libyan-government air strikes, the rebels might have a better chance of carving out permanent zones of resistance. Continue reading “Should We Intervene in Libya?”

Is an Egyptian “Democracy” a Good Thing?

by Raymond Ibrahim

Hudson New York

That democracy equates freedom is axiomatic in the West. Say the word “democracy” and images of a free, pluralistic, and secular society come to mind. Continue reading “Is an Egyptian “Democracy” a Good Thing?”

Show the World?

Exactly what will the people of the Middle East do?

by Victor Davis Hanson

NRO’s The Corner

By summertime, we will begin to see a new clarity in the Middle East. The old narratives — that American support for authoritarians undermined democratic awakenings; that Iraq was a catastrophe; that we need to reach out to totalitarian regimes like Iran, Libya, and Syria to ensure peace; that Israel continues to impede the future of the region — will, with the new unrest, be proven valid or invalid in a way impossible to imagine just a few weeks ago. Continue reading “Show the World?”

Dumbing Democracy Down

by Bruce S. Thornton

Advancing a Free Society

Many in the west are interpreting the demonstrations in Egypt against Hosni Mubarak as populist expressions of “aspirations for a democratic future,” as a spokesman for British Prime Minister David Cameron put it. Continue reading “Dumbing Democracy Down”

Not a Time for Wishful Thinking about Egypt

by Bruce S. Thornton

Advancing a Free Society

The fall of Egyptian strongman Hosni Mubarak has occasioned all manner of democracy happy-talk in the West. Continue reading “Not a Time for Wishful Thinking about Egypt”

Clueless on Cario

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

My Three-week Victory, Your Seven-year Mess

It is difficult trying to figure out what the left’s position is on democracy and the Middle East. Here’s a brief effort. Continue reading “Clueless on Cario”

Why the Egyptian Revolution Can Be the Best or Worst Thing to Happen

by Raymond Ibrahim

NRO’s The Corner

It is clear that the media and its host of analysts are split in two camps on the Egyptian revolution: one that sees it as a wonderful expression of “people-power” that, left alone, will naturally culminate into some sort of pluralistic democracy, and another that sees only the Muslim Brotherhood, in other words, that sees only bad coming from the revolution. Continue reading “Why the Egyptian Revolution Can Be the Best or Worst Thing to Happen”

Free Men Have Free Tongues

by Bruce S. Thornton

Every time a crazy person perpetrates irrational mayhem, we immediately start demanding explanations that gratify our ideological assumptions. For liberals, something in the environment drives people to such acts. Continue reading “Free Men Have Free Tongues”

On Reminding the Politicians Who’s the Boss

by Bruce S. Thornton

The Democrats and their tribunes in the mainstream media weren’t too happy about the House of Representatives reading aloud the Constitution. Continue reading “On Reminding the Politicians Who’s the Boss”