Obama shuns our friends and courts our enemies.

Obama’s unfortunate Middle East legacy was predicated on six flawed assumptions:
(1) a special relationship with Turkey;
(2) distancing the U.S. from Israel;
(3) empathy for Islamist governments as exemplified by the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt;
(4) a sort of non-aggression agreement with Iran;
(5) expecting his own multicultural fides to resonate in the region;
(6) pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Let us examine what has followed.
Obama’s special relationship with Recep Erdogan proved disastrous from the get-go, as Erdogan immediately began to provoke Israel and promote Islamist revolutionaries. Turkey today not only dislikes the U.S., but also poses an existential problem for the West. It is a NATO member that is antithetical to everything NATO stands for: the protection of human rights and constitutional government against the onslaught of aggressive totalitarian regimes. Turkey is now operating like the old Soviet Union in using murderous proxies to enhance its own stature; for example, it finds ISIS useful in whittling down the Kurds. As a rule of thumb, any enemy of Erdogan’s Turkey — Israel, the Kurds, Greek Cyprus, Greece, Egypt — is likely to be far more friendly to the U.S. and NATO than are other nations in the region. If Turkey were attacked by ISIS, Syria, Iran, or the Kurds, would Belgium or Greece send in its youth under NATO’s Article V?
What did ankle-biting Israel accomplish other than giving Hamas a green light to send rockets into the Jewish State in hopes that we might do something stupid like slow down scheduled arms shipments to Israel or shut down Ben Gurion Airport for a day? Israel has nothing to do with the slaughter in Libya or Syria or Iraq, but it is a constant reminder that the United States is indifferent to its friends while it courts its enemies. As Obama’s new policy against ISIS is shaping up, Iran is emerging as more of an ally in his eyes than is Israel.
Our once-close relationship with Egypt is ruined. All that is left is U.S. foreign aid to Cairo, largely because we have no idea of how not to give a near-starving Egypt assistance. Obama, under the guidance of Hillary Clinton, Samantha Power, and Susan Rice, gyrated from Mubarak to Morsi to el-Sisi, as the U.S. went loudly full circle, from disowning the pro-American kleptocrat to embracing the anti-American theocrat to humiliating the neutral autocrat.
Obama kept quiet when a million Iranian protesters hit the streets in 2009 to show their disgust with theocratic corruption. Apparently the American president thought the pro-American tendencies of the young protesters were proof of their inauthenticity. Or perhaps he saw them as sort of neocon democracy-pushers who would ruin his own chances of using his multicultural gymnastics to partner with Teheran.
Our serial deadlines for stopping uranium enrichment proved empty. Ending the tough sanctions has brought nothing but delight to the ayatollahs. In the view of Iraq and Syria, somehow the U.S. has become a de facto ally of the greatest enemy to peace in the region. Obama did not wish to stay in Iraq and work with the Sunni minority by pressuring the Maliki government. He threatened the Iranian puppet Assad and then backed off, and he ridiculed alike the dangers of the savage ISIS and the potential of the Free Syrian Army. Meanwhile, the U.S. is sort of bombing on and off to save the innocent and thereby helping the Iran–Assad–Hezbollah alliance.
In order to win over the Islamic street, Obama has tried almost everything to remind the Middle East that America is no longer run by a white male conservative from a Texas oil family. His multifaceted efforts have ranged from the fundamental to the ridiculous. The Al Arabiya interview, the Cairo Speech, the apology tour, the loud (but hypocritical) disparagement of the Bush-Cheney anti-terrorism protocols, the new euphemisms for jihadist terror, the multicultural trendy pronunciation of Talîban and Pâkistan, and references to his father’s religion and his own middle name resulted in American popularity ratings in many Middle Eastern countries lower than during the Bush administration. In the Middle East, the only thing worse than being unapologetically proud of past U.S. foreign policy is being obsequiously ashamed of it.
There were no Americans dying in Iraq when Barack Obama pulled the remaining troops out in order to win a reelection talking point. Iraq was a functioning state, saved by the successful U.S. surge. That’s why both Obama and Joe Biden praised the post-surge calm. When Obama bragged that he had ended the Iraq War (which was ended in early 2009) and then brought our troops home, he gave the Maliki government a green light to hound its Sunni enemies and reboot civil strife in Iraq, in a way that soon birthed ISIS. The same sort of Saigon 1975 scenario will follow in Kabul early next year, if Obama goes ahead with recalling all U.S. peacekeepers from Afghanistan. In just two flippant decisions, the prophet Barack Obama sowed the wind, and now we are reaping the whirlwind that followed from perceptions of U.S. decline, foreign-policy indifference, and a new void in the Middle East.
At this late date, amid the ruins of the last half-century’s foreign policy from Libya and Egypt to Syria, Iraq, and Iran, the U.S. should hunker down and distance itself from its enemies and grow closer to its few remaining friends. We need to arm the Kurds, and help them to save what is left of Kurdish Syria. We should inform Erdogan that either he joins the fight against ISIS or we will welcome a large and autonomous Kurdistan and would prefer that Turkeyleave NATO, as it should have long ago. We should forget the “peace process” and recognize that Hamas is an existential enemy of America and almost all our friends, and instead encourage an alignment of Egypt, the Kurds, Jordan, Israel, and a few of the saner Gulf States against both ISIS and the new and soon-to-be-nuclear Iranian Axis.
A final note. In this period of fluid jihadism and changing alliances, we should make it extremely difficult for anyone from most Middle Eastern countries (except the few friendly nations mentioned above) to receive a visa to reside in the U.S., a first step in reminding the region that its cheap anti-Americanism has at least a few consequences. And just because ISIS is primordial does not mean that Assad and Iran are not medieval. They are not our friends just because they are enemies of our enemies; they simply remain our enemies squabbling with other enemies.
The present chaos of the Middle East was caused by our withdrawal from Iraq and a widespread sense that the U.S. had forfeited its old responsibilities and interests, and was either on the side of the Arab Spring Islamists or indifferent to those who opposed them. Tragically, while order may soon return, it is likely to be as a sort of Cold War standoff between a pro-Russian, pro-Chinese — and very nuclear – Iranian bloc, and a Sunni Mesopotamian wasteland masquerading as a caliphate, run by beheaders and fueled by petrodollars, with assistance from Turkey and freelancing Wahhabi royals from the Gulf.
I appreciate the suggestion that American immigration, and even student and tourist visas be restricted from those Muslim countries. I think this should be done more generally, in fact. And include countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia and North African Muslim nations. Religious discrimination? You bet.
I don’t know if you have seen this site but the count of Muslims killing Muslims is incredible, but of course non-news in the multicultural US. http://thereligionofpeace.com/
I don’t see why that idea can’t or shouldn’t be extended to the immigration policies of all Western nations. Muslim immigration has brought nothing but trouble.
Another excellent description of current chaos and where America stands. Let’s go back to the old Cold War alliances and bring back something resembling a coherent foreign policy.
Well other than that, Mrs. Kennedy, how was Dallas?
Middle Easterners, not so different from others, like strong horses; and the fundamental unserious of the Obama, evident even in the photo at the head of this column, is in and of itself a serious problem. Once ISIS has won in Iraq, it will likely be very attractive to the Sharia-leaning Turkish PM Erdogan. A Turkish-Caliphate alliance has much historical precedent, and would give ISIS a Navy and Air Force. That would put a seal on Obama’s disasters. It would be a strong regional power, with some reach even beyond the Mediterranean.
Our only hope to survive as a nation is to declare that Islam is not a religion. It is not a religion, it is a fascist, totalitarian, misogynistic political system. We will not survive as a country if Islam is allowed to destroy us using our own Constitution.
Yes, Islam is “a fascist, totalitarian, misogynistic political system.” It is also one of the world’s great religions.
Liberals and atheists have great difficulty in understanding Islam. Fundamentalist Christians, especially those who remember the teachings of the great Protestant leaders, don’t find it so difficult. I’d suggest reading the Qu’ran, of course, but also the Old Testament (all of it), and maybe Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress.”
The “only hope” for Americans is to remember who you are and where you came from. Reading David P. Goldman on that and related issues is not a bad idea.
And stop whining. Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition.
Wow! Love your thinking. I hope our knucklehead kids come to feel this way for the sake of their own safety. Alas I think not. It will be up to the gown ups to fight off the scourge of Islamic fascism. Only problem is the grown ups are getting too old and dying off.
The assumptions listed are based on more fundamental beliefs of Obama. These beliefs result in some policy patterns that I find foolish.
First, he prefers short lived coalitions over long standing alliances. He follows the principle: the ends of a particular conflict at hand justifies the choice of coalition-partners. Weakinening of NATO and abandoning Israel emerges as a pattern.
Second, he tries to pressure governments that are in someone else’s zone of influence. When Obama threatened Assad that was foolish to begin with. Assad is Putin’s baby. Obama should have pressured Putin to make him pressure Assad. With respect to Turkey, which is Obama’s zone of influence, he does nothing. Obama simply does things the wrong way around.
Third, like most of the American public he believes American occupation is a bad thing. Actually, American occupation is a good thing. You should charge for occupying other countries. That’s my experience living in Germany.
Fourth, Obama believes that he can influence public opinion outside of the US and that public opinion would enable foreign policies. Call it vanity. Truth is, he has little stature outside the US to influence public opinion. Even worse, in practical terms public opinion is toothless in rogue regimes or among people who chop off heads. Technically speaking, influencing public opinion without speaking the language of that particular country seems over-ambitious to me.
If the lack of wisdom was a new and rapidly acting fatal disease, the President and most of his administration would be dead in a month. And, most likely, a good number of congressional members would be showing symptoms.
as naziism was destroyed following ww2–so should the murderous so called islamic religion be exterminated. mohammud was an insane,vile, unethical, thief and a pedophile. every country muslims have invaded or immigrated into is despoiled or broken by their raping,robbing,bankrupting social programs. their birth rate is the highest in the world. once they attain 20% of the population–they are in control. n. Europe, holland and Scandinavia are now being destroyed. the native populations of these lands have become the slaves of the islamists