Tall Tales from The Family Farm

Farming not the serene, simple life that most outsiders think by Victor Davis Hanson Heritage Foundation “He sees not that sea of trouble, of labour, and expense which have been lavished on this farm. He forgets the fortitude, and the regrets.” -J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur, Sketches of Eighteenth-Century America

Sherman’s War

by Victor Davis Hanson American Heritage The General’s March through Georgia is usually remembered as a ruthless campaign of indiscriminate terror, waged against helpless civilians rather than southern soldiers. But Victor Davis Hanson argues that it was brillant, effective, and, above all, humble.

A Review of “Warriors into Traders”

by Victor Davis Hanson Journal of Interdisciplinary History Warriors into Traders: The Power of the Market in Early Greece. By David W. Tandy (Berkeley, University of California Press, 1997) 296 pp. $45.00

Q: Is American Farm Reform Headed in the Right Direction?

(Two differing opinions) Pat Roberts; Victor Davis Hanson News World Communications Abstract: The Republican Chmn of the House Agriculture Committee is sanguine about the direction farm policy is taking, but a fifth-generation farmer believes that the new law favors big agribusiness and hurts family farmers. Subsidies and federal payments are discussed.