A World Wonder: A Speech Given to the Woodrow Wilson Center on Democracy

by Victor Davis Hanson Private Papers Part III: Question and Answer MR. SITILIDES:  Thank you very much, Dr. Hanson.  We appreciate the historical sweep of your presentation. 

The Same Old, Same Old . . .

An anatomy of the London bombing. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online The British may react very differently than the Spanish did after Madrid — by doing nothing rather than by retreating from Iraq.

Illiberal Aspects of Illegal Immigration

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services A group of citizens calling themselves the Minutemen patrols the border looking to stop illegal immigrants from entering the United States. Mexico’s president, Vicente Fox, states that Mexican migrant workers in the U.S. are “are doing jobs that not even blacks want to do.”

Lo, The U.N. By What Name Do We Call Thee?

Failed, useless, dubious, impotent, pernicious, morally exhausted . . . by Bruce S. Thornton Private Papers Every crisis is an opportunity, a time when the fissures and cracks of received wisdom and worn-out habits of thought are exposed.

Democratic Suicide

When will the Dems start winning again? When they start living and speaking like normal folks. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online We are in unsure times amid a controversial war. Yet the American people are not swayed by the universities, the major networks, the New York Times, Hollywood, the major foundations, and NPR.

Look and Listen: Talk of U.S. Decline is Premature

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services For more than a century, European intellectuals have predicted the decline of the United States. The German philosophers Hegel, Nietzsche and Spengler saw Western democracy and capitalism as pernicious — the unfortunate wages of a classical civilization that had lavished upon natural man too much wealth and indulgence.

‘Something Is Terribly, Terribly Wrong’

On the “seeming insanity” of U.S. immigration and assimilation practices Interview by Marvin Olasky World Magazine Marvin Olasky interviewed Victor Davis Hanson for World Magazine. WORLD’S INTRODUCTION: If you can only read one book on the immigration issue, read Mexifornia (Encounter Books, 2003), which author Victor Davis Hanson accurately describes as “part melancholy remembrance of a world gone by, […]

Victor Davis Hanson “Live” with TAE

Hanson comments on topics from the Iraqi war to decline of the West The American Enterprise Professor Hanson was interviewed for TAE by Los Angeles journalist David Isaac.