From an Angry Reader: Your opinions are about as nutty as the incoming administration and fake news as well as Trump’s constant spins/basic lies. Let mainstream media and journalism in general do their job and ask the hard questions that need to be answered. We are just plain lucky the 4th estate is around to […]

From An Angry Reader: Victor  Your gloating and myopic column pillorying President Obama’s foreign policy legacy was simple minded and juvenile. Why write something so stupidly one sided?????  When Obama came into office we were losing 100 service people per month in a stupid war and as he leaves office, this number is down to […]

From an Angry Reader: Re: Obama’s initiatives What a horrible president and yet, 57% approval rating! Wow! How is that possible! I think he did quite well considering that Republicans vowed on the first day not to work with him and never did!  Connie Knapp Victor Davis Hanson’s Reply: Dear Angry Reader Connie Knapp, Irony […]

From an Angry Reader: I love the Angry Reader section of your website, particularly your responses. I want to be an Angry Reader and see what you have to say about my valid, thoughtful points so here goes. How can anyone support Donald Trump (I call him DT because he gives me the dt’s, heh, […]

From an Angry Reader: Clinton lost because of Republican voter suppression, Comey and Russian hacking. Trump is the establishment. He Pence and his appointments will cripple America for years. You should remove your head from Trumps ass. People like you are the problem. Victor Davis Hanson’s Reply: Dear Repeat Angry Reader Raye Harper, You cite […]

From an Angry Reader: Hello Mr Hanson. I read your articles on and have a question on something you wrote in Enemies Of Language. In your article you refer to Nazi Germany as having been “right wing.” This is a question that I have been wanting to pose so many times when reading articles […]

From an Angry Reader: The new kind of Republican party is part 1930’s Nazi and 1950’s Dixiecrat. Raye Harper —————————— Victor Davis Hanson’s Reply: Dear Angry Reader Raye Harper, Since you assert rather than argue or explain, it is hard to fathom what you are getting at. But in the spirit of the Angry Reader, […]

From an Angry Reader: She WON the popular vote!!!!! Victor Davis Hanson’s Reply: Dear Angry Reader Suzanne Williams, I got your point without the capital letters and the five exclamation marks. As a general rule the resort to exclamation is a reflection of an absence of argument. Let words speak for themselves—and in your case […]

From an Angry Reader: To Victor Hanson: f**k all y’all motherf**king f**kers unlubed with a f**king broom handle, you elitist motherf**king uniparty pieces of sh*t. Victor Davis Hanson’s Reply: Dear Angry Anonymous Foul Reader who mailed from, Even though in cowardly fashion you did not print your name, you did offer a more unique form […]

Comment from an Angry Reader: I’m sure it was fun exercising your giant brain, but my surprise and I imagine most “liberals” was that enough Americans were willing to vote for what appears to be a sociopath. He disqualified himself for me when he openly espoused physical violence against those who disagree with you. Basically […]