The Obama administration has tarnished nearly every major federal agency.

Many have described the Obama departure from the 70-year-old bipartisan postwar foreign policy of the United States as reminiscent of Jimmy Carter’s failed 1977–81 tenure. There is certainly the same messianic sense of self, the same naïveté, and the same boasts of changing the nature of America, as each of these presidents was defining himself as against supposedly unpopular predecessors. But the proper Obama comparison is not Carter, but rather Warren G. Harding. By that I mean not that Obama’s scandals have matched Harding’s, but rather that by any fair standard they have now far exceeded them and done far more lasting damage — and without Obama’s offering achievements commensurate with those that occasionally characterized Harding’s brief, failed presidency.
The lasting legacy of Obama will be that he has largely discredited the idea of big government, of which he was so passionate an advocate. Almost every major agency of the federal government, many of them with a hallowed tradition of bipartisan competence, have now been rendered either dysfunctional or politicized — or both — largely because of politically driven appointments of unqualified people, or ideological agendas that were incompatible with the agency’s mission.
The list of scandals is quite staggering. In aggregate, it makes Harding’s Teapot Dome mess seem minor in comparison.
There is now no Border Patrol, at least as Americans have understood the agency whose job was enforcing federal immigration statutes. It died as an enforcement bureau sometime in 2013, not long after the reelection of Barack Obama, in a way that it could not have before the election. Instead, in Orwellian fashion, at a time of plague and terrorism abroad, it is now the Border-Crossing Enabling Service, whose chief task is facilitating the illegal entry of thousands from Latin America and Mexico, largely to further the political agenda of the Obama administration, contrary to the law, the will of Congress, and the wishes of the majority of the American people. Mention the phrase “immigration law” or “Border Patrol,” and Americans sigh that neither any longer exists. Yet such a perversion of the mission of a federal agency for political purposes has become thematic of this administration. Perhaps the end of border enforcement is emblemized best by Obama’s own uncle and late aunt, who in open defiance broke federal immigration law and did so with impunity, resided illegally in the United States, broke various state laws, and ended up either on public assistance or mired in the U.S. judicial system.
No one quite knows how to deal with the deadly threat of the Ebola virus. We can assume, however, that the Obama administration’s policy will be predicated foremost on some sort of predetermined ideological concern. Unlike many European countries, the United States still allows foreign nationals from countries with pandemics of Ebola to enter the country freely. What the administration has so far told us about Ebola — that a case here was unlikely, and then, after it happened, that probably only a handful of people had been exposed — was almost immediately proven false.
If this seems a harsh judgment, consider the policy of restricting flights to and from foreign countries because of national-security concerns. During the controversial Gaza War, the FAA ordered U.S. airlines to suspend flights to Ben Gurion Airport — the best protected airport in the world — supposedly because of a rocket that exploded in the general proximity of the facility. Hamas claimed the step as a psychological victory and proof of the efficacy of its strategy of targeting Israeli civilian centers, and as further evidence of growing U.S. anger at Israeli war conduct. In contrast, the FAA has not shut down flights to and from African countries in which Ebola has reached pandemic status. Which threat — a deadly virus or a stray rocket — posed the greatest danger to the American public? Perhaps if infected Liberian nationals send their child to Sidwell Friends, radical changes in FAA policy will follow; or, in contrast, if Israel had been gripped by an Ebola pandemic, then Americans might have been allowed to fly in and out of Ben Gurion.
The combination of Lois Lerner’s taking the Fifth Amendment and Barack Obama’s characterizing the IRS’s partisan targeting of conservatives as involving not a “smidgen” of corruption sum up the current status of the tax agency. So far no one has been held accountable for the corruption. Most Americans now assume that any high-profile political activity or contribution deemed inimical to the Obama administration will earn an audit or at least additional IRS scrutiny — a Machiavellian gambit that has discouraged contributions to conservative candidates. The agency that relies on voluntary tax compliance now holds taxpayers to standards of transparency, record-keeping, and honesty that it cannot itself meet. That too will be a lasting legacy of the Obama administration.
Eric Holder has politicized the Justice Department in a way not seen since the scandals of Nixon appointee John Mitchell. Holder’s prior ethical lapses – notably, as deputy attorney general in the Clinton administration, the disreputable eleventh-hour pardon for fugitive (and Democratic contributor) Marc Rich — were well known. But in less than six years, he has managed to trump them. Holder was held in contempt by Congress for withholding subpoenaed documents about the Fast and Furious scandal, and he editorialized on pending criminal cases, such as the Trayvon Martin and the Ferguson cases. He arbitrarily chose not to enforce existing laws, whether elements of Obamacare or immigration statutes. He was forced to pay back the government for using a Gulfstream to junket to the Belmont Stakes with family and friends. He sought to try terrorists in civilian courts, and he demonized the idea of Guantanamo, which earlier, when it was politically expedient, he had praised. He caricatured his critics and made race essential rather than incidental to his tenure (e.g., “my people,” “nation of cowards,” and the false charges of racism against critics of the administration) in a way that would have gotten anyone else fired. Had any other attorney general monitored reporters’ communications as Holder did those of AP reporters, and, even more so, James Rosen, he would also have been summarily dismissed. Even the media will not be able to prevent Holder’s legacy from being seen as one of the Justice Department’s no longer enforcing the law without prejudice, but instead choosing haphazard compliance in order to advance partisan ideas of social justice.
The Secret Service used to be unimpeachable. Not now. Agents have been caught patronizing prostitutes while on assignment in Latin America. They have allowed an armed former felon to enter an elevator with the president. They had no clue that gunshots may well have hit the White House. They allowed an unhinged and armed intruder to not just enter the White House grounds, but make his way into the White House itself — and the agency then tried to cover up its laxity. Its reputation is now in shreds. One day a confused White House expresses full confidence in the Secret Service’s incompetent director, and the next gladly accepts her resignation.
Then there is the unfortunate alphabet soup of scandals. The GSA junketeering is now the stuff of caricature, but the sad thing about the agency’s fraud was the utter contempt for the taxpayers shown by its vacationing grandees, who are supposedly watchdogs of the public infrastructure. Former VA director Eric Shinseki, appointed largely for his banner opposition to the Iraq war, proved inept. The VA has shown itself to be not just incompetent but lethally so: It has allowed dozens of veterans to die for lack of adequate treatment. Like other Obama administration agencies such as the IRS and the Secret Service, the VA sought to cover up its near-criminal negligence. No one knows quite what the NSA is doing or should be doing, but most agree that it should not be tapping the private cell phones of allied foreign leaders. Nor should the director of national intelligence, James Clapper, lie before Congress that the government does not track the communications of ordinary Americans.
Obama recently scapegoated the intelligence agencies for his own laxity in addressing the Islamic State in its early ascendance. True, his appointees may well be incompetent, but if so, it is in a way that reflects the president’s own politically driven narratives. Thus Clapper assured us that Qaddafi would not fall and that the Muslim Brotherhood was largely secular. John Brennan, head of the CIA, once offered a rant about the innocuous nature of jihad that was delusional, as was his characterization of the radical Islamic agenda of forming a worldwide caliphate “absurd.” Would that Brennan had been as up on the circumstances of the arrest of would-be underwear bomber Umar Abdulmutallab as he is on the nuances of jihad. Do we even remember now how the secretary of homeland security, Janet Napolitano, helped usher in the euphemisms that became the stuff of ridicule (from overseas contingency operations and man-caused disasters to workplace violence). Under her directorship, we were told that right-wingers and returning veterans were greater threats to our security than radical Islamists.
The State Department has been even more tarnished. No one was held to account for serial untruths about the Benghazi killings, even though no one now defends the yarn of a video causing spontaneous riots or denies that the consulate was sorely unprotected. U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton assiduously peddled demonstrable falsehoods, massaging the truth to fit within reelection parameters. The president bragged about pulling troops out of Iraq when it was convenient for his reelection campaign, and then blamed others when that foolish move proved one of the most disastrous decisions in the last decade. Add in reset with Russia, leading from behind in Libya, constant contextualizing of American sins, and pseudo red lines, step-over lines, and deadlines, and you see that our foreign policy has become a serious embarrassment abroad. Indeed, Obama suffers from the paradox of the Cretan Liar (who assured everyone he spoke with that all Cretans lie): He seeks to bask in adulation abroad as U.S. head of state even as he tells his worshipers that the U.S. is culpable and by implication thus does not deserve such adulation.
Then there are the departed Cabinet secretaries. No one really knew exactly what Labor Secretary Hilda Solis was doing other than that she abruptly departed the administration and was quickly mired in all sorts of post-tenure financial scandals. Ditto EPA Director Lisa Jackson, who mysteriously drifted out of office once it was learned that she had created a false e-mail identity to pound her own drum. No one has ever explained why NASA Administrator Charles Bolden believed that the primary mission of the space agency should be Muslim outreach, and everyone still is puzzled about why the nation that reached the moon first is now dependent on Vladimir Putin for sending its astronauts into space. Kathleen Sebelius left the Department of Health and Human Services under a cloud of suspicions, after serially misleading the public about Obamacare. Her chief defense is that she was merely parroting the untruths of the President of the United States (you can keep your health plan and your doctors, and premiums and deductibles will go down, along with the deficit). Does anyone remember Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, now infamous for his quirky ideas about wanting gasoline prices to rise to European levels (e.g., $9 a gallon), and for hoping to shut down coal-fired electricity generation — along with approving crony-capitalist loans to the green lobbyists who gave us a subsidized and bankrupt Solyndra.
Obama has set the standard that the purpose of government is to facilitate his version of social change, regardless of protocols, laws, or traditions. And the result is a scandal-ridden administration that exceeds that of Warren G. Harding — one that has now convinced the public that their government agencies are not lawful, competent, or to be trusted.
Mr. Hanson, you are right on target! Imagine that we still have two more years of his non-sense before us!!! All I can say is strapped on and enjoy the ride; the idiotic president is at the helm of spaceship America….
The thought of two more years is sobering but I take some comfort that an additional two years will further educate Americans in what a true race-obsessed, anti-American U.S. politician who falls over himself to implement Muslim-friendly policies looks like. With luck Americans will also get a bellyful of reckless, destructive monetary policy and other clueless economic policies.
Nothing short of complete disaster will accomplish that, however. American naifs voted for this mysterious daffodil and they deserve to get what they wanted good and hard, even if they blame Bush for the disaster. Which they will.
So true, an apt comparison. We thought by electing Obama we were getting the black JFK. But instead we got the black Woodrow Wilson, with a heavy dash of Warren G. Harding thrown in.
I assume that’s an editorial “we”. Those of us who worked hard to be informed prior to voting did not think we were getting “the black JFK”. One only had to look at the people Obama surrounded himself with throughout his life to realize he was not someone who should hold any political office in the U.S.
It’s a common thing in countries dominates by dictators or juntas to choose loyalty over competence in their senior administrators…
Corruption kills. So far it is mostly people in the Third World who have died for the Obama-fostered corruption, but that is likely to change. Am I the only one who thinks that the Director of the Centers for
Disease Control babbles on like an idiot? How did he get his position???
To imply that Obama has corrupted the organs of the US Government is true but it is still too kind for him. He has a positive malevolence toward the US which is without precedent in US politics. It is seen clearly in regard to disease-infected illegals, and even more so with regard to Ebola. Sending 4000 American troops to West Africa, and then no doubt dispersing them all over the US … diabolical.
10-4 on that except…
do you not think its prudent to send someone with at least a slim chance of stopping this outbreak. Our military and the other western nations are the only ones with a chance to stop this. The african countries cant do it and if it isn’t contained there will be a world wide spread of this that we will not avoid. remember that each new person this infects has the potential to mutate the virus into an airborne strain :-O at that point can you say zombie apocalypse.
Its the only good decision with any backbone or leadership that this president has ever made..
thats all im saying 🙂
Hillary Clinton will most likely run and win as long as she says the right things. “I’ll bring competentency, real transparency and honesty back to government”…etc. Too many people on the government tit now so don’t expect anything to change except in congress. We will slow the trajectory of growth and intrusiveness but won’t reverse or change course. Boehner isn’t Newt so I’m not sure how effective the Republican Congress under Hillary will be in stopping her liberal agenda. She’ll say she can fix Obamacare by turning it into Hillarycare and people will buy into it. Ofcourse the media will be her biggest supporter and cheerleader. First black president then the first woman pres to make sure things get fixed. She’ll get the black vote, the corporate crony vote, the hispanic vote and a good deal of the ridiculous independent vote. Too many entitlements being offered and not enough good reasons to abstain from them.
the majority of Obama scandals may never be exposed. he should really resign before a republican house and senate are seated in 2015. each day only brings more of his abject stupidity ,corruption and greed. he has besmirched our veterans-destroyed our medical system and made us the laughing stock of the civilized world. his flooding the usa with diseased children bringing diseases for which American children have no immunity means American children will suffer and die. one school now has 21 Spanish dialects to deal with. God—when will the purgatory of the American people end?
I hope you are prepared for a likely upcoming IRS audit and hope it does not take up too much of your time.
What’s this “we”stuff?
Extremely well stated Dr. Hanson
Considering Obama’s uncanny ability to appoint high ranking positions to persons capable of such outstanding buffoonery, it seems appropriate to question the true value of his Ivy League education.
It’s a good column, but there will prove to be some benefits to Obama’s tenure. For one, as Mr Hanson notes, he has discredited the idea of an overarching Federal government. Now, with DC in a stalemate, we are seeing power shift back to the states. Depending on the state you are in that can be a mixed blessing. As Mr Hanson has written before, it’s tough to be working class or a Central Valley resident in CA, but perhaps better in TX or UT. Your state’s policies may have more impact on your prospects now than do the Federal government’s. There are two more years to be endured, but any domestic agenda he may have is fortunately stalled. His judgment is remarkably poor so we’ll probably see more screw ups. Much of the country, and much of the western world, lost their collective heads over this clown, but he is survivable, and I suppose enough of us brought this on ourselves. Unfortunately, the Republicans, whom I prefer, can also be pretty cringe worthy.
Has he discredited the idea of big federal government? 🙂
Im not too sure the masses are getting that from our current situation, only those that are paying attention…and if that were the case how was mr obama elected to a second term. :-/
My prediction… hillary is our next president or worse and she will win on keeping “free” healthcare and social issues just like always.
I’ve read this litany before. It’s important to talk about, but I was hoping from the title that I’d read more about Harding.
Well said (as usual), but….. The majority does not care. They have their booze and entertainment (mindless TV, meaningless sporting events, etc.) and what happens in Washington simply isn’t on the radar. Apathy + greed = Obama and Hillary (to follow)…
There is no hope. The nation is, at best, two generations from assured calamity and likely less with millions expected to receive amnesty by years end. My children will likely see the beginnings of civil unrest and their children will likely have to live through it. The abundance of scandals and ineptitude has not brought any serious threat of change to our political arena, let alone an impeachment of a clearly overmatched president. Republicans are only barely holding a thread of hope to tip the scales of power in the Senate and Mr Obama is half way through his second term. Democracy is it’s own worst enemy. Giving equal voice through voting to those who do not produce equally is madness and it will not change without a deadly, protracted struggle.
Beautiful summary, too bad it’s at our expense.
With every level of government corrupted to this point, how can this be fixed without completely removing the current system and starting over? Even if the leadership of these agencies are throne sniffing puppets their subordinates also followed along and so on down the chain?? Can we change the systemic institutionalized “big” government without really making it a much smaller government? I say no.
I would love to hear your take on the “Fire Tax” extortion racket that we rural folks are suffering.
Everything you say is true! Unfortunately, there are fluff-minded idiots out there like Gwyneth Paltrow who would like to see Obama with unlimited powers. That’s frightening!
VDH is on target as with many of his writing’s. I think we all know 0bama and his creation’s would not be if it were not for all the help he has received AND also pushed 0bama on to America, the powerful have always steered this country, what’s changed is they have become one and now control this county thru propaganda or outright force.