Not a Time for Wishful Thinking about Egypt

by Bruce S. Thornton

Advancing a Free Society

The fall of Egyptian strongman Hosni Mubarak has occasioned all manner of democracy happy-talk in the West. Continue reading “Not a Time for Wishful Thinking about Egypt”

Egypt’s Identity Crisis

by Raymond Ibrahim

PJ Media

With Egypt’s “July Revolution” of 1952, for the first time in millennia, Egyptians were able to boast that a native-born Egyptian, Gamal Abdel Nasser, would govern their nation: Ever since the overthrow of its last native pharaoh nearly 2,500 years ago, Egypt had been ruled by a host of foreign invaders — Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Turks, and Brits, to name a few. Continue reading “Egypt’s Identity Crisis”

The Middle East and the Multicultural Nightmare

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

Obama’s Multiculturalism vs. Bush’s Freedom

Let us be honest. Most of George Bush’s admirable support — as voiced in his 2005 inaugural address — for freedom abroad was de facto abandoned by 2006-7. Condoleeza Rice had championed Egyptian dissidents, but within a year that advocacy was dropped and we were back to the Mubarak paradigm as usual. Continue reading “The Middle East and the Multicultural Nightmare”

Why the Egyptian Revolution Can Be the Best or Worst Thing to Happen

by Raymond Ibrahim

NRO’s The Corner

It is clear that the media and its host of analysts are split in two camps on the Egyptian revolution: one that sees it as a wonderful expression of “people-power” that, left alone, will naturally culminate into some sort of pluralistic democracy, and another that sees only the Muslim Brotherhood, in other words, that sees only bad coming from the revolution. Continue reading “Why the Egyptian Revolution Can Be the Best or Worst Thing to Happen”

Radical Muslims in America: All the Benefits and Still Turning to Jihad

by Raymond Ibrahim

Hudson New York

Recent remarks by Attorney General Eric Holder on the threat posed by “radicalized” American Muslims are revealing — not just because of what they say regarding the domestic situation, but for their international implications as well. According to Holder: Continue reading “Radical Muslims in America: All the Benefits and Still Turning to Jihad”