What the Ryan Choice Means for November

by Bruce Thornton

Frontpage Magazine

Last week’s poll numbers seemingly confirmed the doubts about democracy’s viability expressed in last week’s column. After a barrage of outrageous smears fired off by the Obama campaign, which accused Romney of killing a woman with cancer and failing to pay any income tax, Obama is leading Romney by 7-9 points. Continue reading “What the Ryan Choice Means for November”

A Wasted Educational Crisis

by Bruce Thornton

Pope Center Commentaries

As former White House Chief of Staff and now Mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel famously said, “You never want to let a serious crisis to go to waste.” The economic Armageddon facing the country’s largest state university system, the 23-campus California State University, undoubtedly qualifies as a serious crisis. Continue reading “A Wasted Educational Crisis”

Remembering the Dead, from Selma

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

I confess this is the first time in my life I will break the old Hellenic rule: ton tethnvêkota mê kakologein(speak no ill of the dead). That Gore Vidal was a cruel person is no excuse for not refraining from criticism after his recent death, but here I sin nonetheless. Continue reading “Remembering the Dead, from Selma”

More A Decline of the Spirit?

by Victor Davis Hanson


There are lots of ways to lament America’s current financial and cultural dilemmas. Continue reading “More A Decline of the Spirit?”

California: The Road Warrior Is Here

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

Where’s Mel Gibson When You Need Him?

George Miller’s 1981 post-apocalyptic film The Road Warrior [1] envisioned an impoverished world of the future. Tribal groups fought over what remained of a destroyed Western world of law, technology, and mass production. Survival went to the fittest — or at least those who could best scrounge together the artifacts of a long gone society somewhat resembling the present West. Continue reading “California: The Road Warrior Is Here”

The Positive Role of “Negative Feedback”

by Craig Bernthal

Private Papers

“You can always count on Americans to do the right thing — after they’ve tried everything else.”  Winston Churchill

One of Victor Hanson’s most persuasive arguments about why democracies have an advantage over despotisms in fighting wars is that democracies are much more likely to correct their own mistakes. Continue reading “The Positive Role of “Negative Feedback””

Biden Unbound

by Victor Davis Hanson

NRO’s The Corner

Joe Biden is at it again, accusing the president’s opponents of hoping for bad news and the Republicans in particular of rooting for dismal economic reports, by virtue of opposing legislation of the sort they supposedly earlier would have supported. I am sure, as in every campaign, there are such hyper-partisans. Continue reading “Biden Unbound”

The Flip Side to Illegal Immigration

by Victor Davis Hanson

NRO’s The Corner

Forgotten in the latest hype about illegal immigration is the cycle of lawlessness that follows illegal entry into the United States. The simple fact is that once someone chooses to enter the U.S. illegally and remain here illegally, breaking the law, either deliberately or through indifference, becomes easier and habitual: obtaining false IDs, avoiding normal bureaucratic requirements, violating zoning laws, etc. Continue reading “The Flip Side to Illegal Immigration”

Is the Country Unraveling?

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

The Thrill Is Gone

The last thirty days have made it clear that Barack Obama is not going to win the 2012 election by a substantial margin. The polls still show the race near dead even with over five months, and all sorts of unforeseen events, to come. But after the Obama meltdown of April and May, I don’t think he in any way resembles the mysterious Pied Piper figure of 2008, who mesmerized and then marched the American people over the cliff. Continue reading “Is the Country Unraveling?”

Legal Illegal Immigration

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

President Obama recently issued an edict exempting an estimated 800,000 to 1 million illegal aliens from the consequences of federal immigration law. Ostensibly that blanket amnesty applies to those who arrived before the age of 16 and are younger than 30; who are in, or graduated from, high school or have served in the military; and who have not been convicted of a felony or multiple misdemeanors. Continue reading “Legal Illegal Immigration”