The Great Divider?

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

Do As I Say—Not As I Do?

I confess I did not believe Barack Obama entirely during the campaign when he bragged on working across the aisle and championing bipartisanship. Continue reading “The Great Divider?”

The Triumph of Banality

Obama didn’t inven dishonesty in political discourse–but he has a talent for it.

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

One of the most tired rhetorical tropes in Washington starts with, “We must . . . ” In the age of Obama, this is now usually followed by “Get the cost of our health care under control,” or “Invest in the education of our youth,” or “Spend wisely.” Continue reading “The Triumph of Banality”

A Year Like None Other

It usually takes decades to fit in all the tragicomedy of 2008.

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

The three great stories of 2008 were the financial meltdown, the turn-about in Iraq, and the Chicago Way. Continue reading “A Year Like None Other”

Perverse Thoughts about this Perverse Recession

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

I do not understand at all this going into debt for almost another trillion dollars, and then immediately promising to balance the budget soon (like blowing off your foot near an emergency room), or how “stimulate” differs from “borrow,” or why the more noble victim is the one who sought to borrow too much for too much house and then defaulted, rather than he who chose to borrow less for less house and paid his mortgage on time each month and now subsidizes the less responsible. (The former apparently will still have the larger house, the latter the smaller.) Continue reading “Perverse Thoughts about this Perverse Recession”

Some Reflections in the Times of Hysteria

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media


Had anyone said a few months ago that the federal government would step in to provide a trillion dollars to subsidize gasoline — to bring it down to $1.85 a gallon nationwide from prices that were exceeding $4 a gallon — we would have had a national debate. Continue reading “Some Reflections in the Times of Hysteria”

War and Peace–and Deceit–in Islam

by Raymond Ibrahim

PJ Media

Editor’s note: Substantial portions of the following essay made up part of Mr. Ibrahim’s written testimony that was presented to Congress on February 12, 2009

Today, in a time of wars and rumors of wars emanating from the Islamic world — from the current conflict in Gaza, to the saber-rattling of nuclear-armed Pakistan and soon-to-be Iran — the need for non-Muslims to better understand Islam’s doctrines and objectives concerning war and peace, and everything in between (treaties, diplomacy), has become pressing. Continue reading “War and Peace–and Deceit–in Islam”

An ‘Impulsive’ America?

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

President Barack Obama’s first TV interview was with the Dubai-based, partly Saudi-funded Al Arabiya satellite channel. Continue reading “An ‘Impulsive’ America?”