President Palin’s First 100 Days

A near disaster.

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

WASHINGTON (AP) — The first 100 days of the Palin presidency, according to a consensus of media commentators, have proven a near disaster. Continue reading “President Palin’s First 100 Days”

Cracks in the Façade

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

Fissures in the Obama Totem

Oh, I know that President Obama’s approval ratings are still around 62%. But I also remember that George Bush’s at the end of 2001 got even higher — and stayed at or above 60% through most of 2002, explaining why he increased his congressional majority in the midterm elections. Continue reading “Cracks in the Façade”

Illegal Immigration Realities

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

Rendezvous with Reality

There are a number of issues on the horizon that cannot simply be hoped and changed away or dismissed with the now accustomed ‘hit the reset’ button/’Bush did it’ throw-away line. Continue reading “Illegal Immigration Realities”

Americans Want It Both Ways

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

Today’s Americans inherited the wealthiest nation in history — but only because earlier generations learned how to feed, fuel, finance and defend themselves in ways unrivaled elsewhere. Continue reading “Americans Want It Both Ways”

Questions from Oceania

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

Who will Lend?

We are going to spend over $3.5 trillion next year, run up an annual debt of $1.7 trillion, and are on schedule to add another $9 trillion to reach an aggregate debt of $20 trillion in eight years. Continue reading “Questions from Oceania”

Why Did Republicans Lose Their Appeal?

And how can they get it back?

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

Colin Powell keeps insisting that the Republicans lost the presidency because of right-wing extremists like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter, who, in his view, have become the public face of the Republican party, and thus will ensure its permanent marginalization.  Continue reading “Why Did Republicans Lose Their Appeal?”

Nothing New Under the Sun

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

The Same Old Equality of Result

Rather than nitpick about Obama’s envisioned brave new world, I think it wiser to see it in the larger context of age-old divides over the nature of Western democratic and liberal society. Continue reading “Nothing New Under the Sun”

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. President

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

In matters of foreign policy during the president’s first 100 days, we have seen two Barack Obamas. Continue reading “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. President”

Obama’s Abominable Obeisance: Cultural Perspectives

by Raymond Ibrahim

PJ Media

Is Obama’s deep bow (with slightly bent knee) to the Saudi king as bad as it seems? Continue reading “Obama’s Abominable Obeisance: Cultural Perspectives”