The New War against Reason

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

Barack Obama promised us not only transparency, but also a new respect for science. In soothing tones, he asserted that his administration was “restoring scientific integrity to government decision-making.” Continue reading “The New War against Reason”

Where Has the Thrill Gone?

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

The Harder They Fall?

Who appointed over 40 ambassadors on the sole basis of campaign contributions, or has as many lobbyists in government as did any President in memory? Continue reading “Where Has the Thrill Gone?”

Lethal Weapon: Islamist Perfidy or Western Naivety?

by Raymond Ibrahim

PJ Media

In a blog entry for Islamist Watch, David J. Rusin shows how the word “jihad” continues to be euphemized in the West. Continue reading “Lethal Weapon: Islamist Perfidy or Western Naivety?”

Circling Sharks Smell American Blood

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

On his recent trip to Asia, President Obama found China, Japan and South Korea — like many nations these days — in no mood to hear more American lectures. Continue reading “Circling Sharks Smell American Blood”

Overcoming the Odds

by Linda Halderman, MD

The American Thinker

The Sick

It’s Saturday night in Pago Pago. As I write this from a little tropical hospital in the middle of the Pacific Ocean on a tiny island called American Samoa, I’m trying hard to make sense of the last 72 hours. Continue reading “Overcoming the Odds”

Nidal Hasan and Fort Hood: A Study in Muslims Doctrine

by Raymond Ibrahim

PJ Media

One of the difficulties in discussing Islam’s more troubling doctrines is that they have an anachronistic, even otherworldly, feel to them; that is, unless actively and openly upheld by Muslims, non-Muslims, particularly of the Western variety, tend to see them as abstract theory, not standard practice for today. Continue reading “Nidal Hasan and Fort Hood: A Study in Muslims Doctrine”


by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

The Furor

The AP supposedly hired 11 fact-checkers to discredit Ms. Palin’s memoir (Did Fox News hire 11 to question the very questionable things found in the two Obama memoirs?) Continue reading “Palin-odes?”

Obama’s Prissy America

Why Obama’s America seems so self-centered?

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

The liberal writ was that a strutting “bring ’em on” George W. Bush for eight years did what he pleased on the international scene. Continue reading “Obama’s Prissy America”

Same Old, Same Old at Fort Hood

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan is accused of murdering last week 13 people (12 of whom were soldiers) and wounding another 30 at Fort Hood, Texas. It was not the first, nor will it be the last, domestic terrorist incident since Sept. 11, 2001. Continue reading “Same Old, Same Old at Fort Hood”

Thoughts from the Later Republic

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

Contrast Recent Media Coverage

The furor over Dick Cheney’s past severed involvement with Halliburton — the meowing over Bush-critic, liberal icon, ex-diplomat Peter Galbraith’s present, ongoing conflict-of-interest as profiteer and pundit/advisor involving a multimillion-dollar oil scam in Kurdistan. Continue reading “Thoughts from the Later Republic”